Administrators and Teachers can use the Portfolio to review oral recordings and written responses from students' activities in Imagine Language & Literacy. The audio recordings allow you to review and evaluate a student's Oral Reading Fluency as they read books or articles aloud. The written responses help assess a student's vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. As part of the review process, you can assign Booster Bits to reward students for their work.
The Portfolio report shows which students have new artifacts that need to be reviewed as well as the number of audio recordings and written responses that each student has completed. The report also shows the date that the artifact was submitted and if you have already awarded Booster Bits.
To review student Portfolios and award Booster Bits:
- Log in to Imagine Language & Literacy.
- Select the applicable group at the bottom of your Home page.
- In the group-level dashboard, click in the Portfolio section on the right side of the screen. If you have new artifacts, the number displays with a yellow highlight.
- Underneath the New Artifacts link, the total number of artifacts displays for This week (starting Sunday), This year (starting at the beginning of the school year), and Lifetime (all student work in the group throughout all the years those students have been using Imagine Language & Literacy. Portfolio work carries over from year to year.)
- An artifact is considered new until you award Booster Bits for it or mark it as reviewed.
- Underneath the New Artifacts link, the total number of artifacts displays for This week (starting Sunday), This year (starting at the beginning of the school year), and Lifetime (all student work in the group throughout all the years those students have been using Imagine Language & Literacy. Portfolio work carries over from year to year.)
The Student Portfolio opens with a notification for each student who has new artifacts. This page also shows the number of audio recordings and written responses that each student has in their Portfolio. Click on the student's name to go to their Portfolio.
- The page that opens shows the date the artifact was submitted and if the student has been awarded Booster Bits for their work. Any artifacts that have not yet been reviewed display a (
) notification at the top of the Activity Name thumbnail.
Fluent Reader activities will also have columns populated for Words Correct Per Minute and Accuracy, as well as a color-coded legend that corresponds to the Accuracy column.Note
The Filter by drop-down menu contains options to filter by All artifacts, Recordings, Writings, New artifacts, and Reviewed artifacts. Use the Fluency Scored option to review the electronically-evaluated activities Fluent Reader activities; even though these are scored for you, you can still listen to them yourself and award Booster Bits. (Awarding Booster Bits is not part of the automatic scoring process.)
- Review the artifacts according to type, Recording or Writing. Click on the corresponding line below to learn more about each type.
Reviewing Writing Samples
In Application Station activities, students are asked to respond to a comprehension question about a book or article they read. In Vocrab Island activities, students are asked to use specific words in a sentence. Artifacts in the student's Portfolio show the writing prompt the student was given and the student's written response.
From the right sidebar, you can print the student's writing sample via the Print this Page button. Application Station activities also have the Download PDF button, which provides the book or article in a printable format. You can refer to the passage to be sure the student has answered the writing prompt correctly.
Application Station activities correspond to Books by Lexile and are available Grades 2–6. Vocrab Island activities correspond to Newsbreak articles and are available for Grades 3–6.
Reviewing Audio RecordingsTwo activities in Imagine Language & Literacy generate audio recordings that display in the Portfolio: Fluent Reader and Read & Record. The Fluent Reader activity asks students to read and record a text passage for 1 minute. The Read & Record activity prompts students to read and record text from books or articles on a page-by-page basis. You can then compare the students' recordings with the text to check for accuracy and prosody.
A. Click the Play button to hear the recording.
B. Click the More options symbolto access menu options to Download the file or change the Playback speed.
At the end of the school year, compare each student's audio samples from the beginning of the year to the end. Play back the recordings to students and/or their families so everyone can hear how much the students' skills have grown.
C. Book and article passages usually have more than one audio file. You have the option to change the order in which they display. The default is Part Number (Ascending), which plays back the book from beginning to end.
- After reviewing the student's written or oral response, award Booster Bits by selecting 20, 60, or 100 in the Award Booster Bits drop-down menu and then click Confirm. You'll receive a message at the top of the page that the Booster Bits have been awarded to the student.
- You can award Booster Bits to student assignments based on effort, improvement, growth, accuracy, and/or how well the student followed instructions. For audio recordings, consider factors like speed, missed words, pronunciation, and expression. For writing samples, consider punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors, if the student answered the question in full, and the extent to which the student used their own words.
- Skip this step and check the Mark as reviewed checkbox instead if you don't believe the student should earn Booster Bits for this particular artifact.
- Clicking the Mark as reviewed checkbox automatically removes the red (
) indicator from the page.
- Click Back to Summary to return to the list of artifacts for the student.
The list now displays a silver Booster Bit in the Booster Bits Awarded column, as applicable. Hover over the Booster Bit image to see how many bits you gave for each artifact.
- While in Portfolio, use the forward and backward arrows to navigate between students.
- Students are notified of teacher-awarded Booster Bits the next time they log in and see the Booster Bit reward screen during a student session.