Viewing the Skills Inventory report in Imagine Language & Literacy

The Skills Inventory report helps you identify opportunities for targeted review and intervention as well as accomplishments to celebrate. It shows which skills the students have encountered, the date they encountered them, and their score on the assessment for that skill. When viewing the report in the Detailed View, you can see exactly which questions students answered correctly and incorrectly. 

Administrators can view the report for any student in their organization, while Teachers can view the report for students in their own groups. Skills Inventory reports update within an hour and are available at only the individual student level.  

To view the Skills Inventory report:

  1. Log in to Imagine Language & Literacy
  2. Select a group from the Home page.
  3. From the dashboard that opens, click in to the Progress section.

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  4. The Progress section defaults to the Progress by Lesson tab. Click the name of the student whose Skills Inventory you wish to view.
  5. The page opens to the student's Progress by Lesson report; click Skills Inventory.
  6. Make your selections in the 4 drop-down menus:
    Time Period: Defaults to Year To Date, can be changed to other date ranges including a custom range you define
    Skills Area: Defaults to All, can be narrowed down to a specific area such as Reading Comprehension
    Reports Results: Defaults to All Results, can be changed to Correct or Incorrect
    View: Defaults to Summary View, can be changed to Detailed View

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    The columns of the Skills Inventory report are as follows:
    Name Description
    Date The date the student completed the assessment for the skill area.
    Score A fraction showing the number of correct responses out of the total number of questions. 
    Skill The skill area that was assessed. Examples include Reading Comprehension: Plot and Setting, Reading Comprehension: Main Idea, and Advanced Academic Vocabulary: Social Studies (4-6).
  7. When looking at the report with the View filter set to Detailed View and the Report Results filter set to All Results, correct responses appear in green and incorrect responses appear in red. For vocabulary activities, you can see exactly which words the student understands. 
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    When viewing the report in the Summary View, click the name of the Skill Area to view the details for that particular skill.

  8. Use the arrows at the top of the page to navigate to another student's Skills Inventory report.
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