The Imagine Language & Literacy Kindergarten Readiness report shows you how ready your Pre-K students are for the skills they will encounter in Kindergarten, such as print concepts, phonological awareness, listening comprehension, language production, and vocabulary skills. It tracks how students are progressing toward these specific Kindergarten Readiness milestones:
- Recognize at least 10 lowercase letter names
- Recognize at least 10 uppercase letter names
- Practice onset-rime blending at least 10 times
- Listen to at least 10 books
- Create at least 10 song recordings
- Encounter 100 vocabulary words
As students encounter print concepts, phonological awareness, listening comprehension, and vocabulary curriculum, the report displays their progress toward each milestone as a raw score (for example, 5/10 or 5 out of 10). It also shows the student's total percentage of milestones completed, which is the student's measure of Kindergarten Readiness.
Administrators and Teachers can view Kindergarten Readiness reports for any Pre-K student assigned to them. The report should populate within an hour after students complete an applicable activity.
To view Kindergarten Readiness reports:
- Log in to Imagine Language & Literacy.
- Select a group from the Home page.
- From the dashboard that opens, click in to the Progress section.
- Click the Kindergarten Readiness tab.
- The report shows an overall percentage of progress towards Kindergarten Readiness milestones for each student. It also shows the raw scores for each Kindergarten Readiness milestone for each student in the class.
If a student has not encountered curriculum for a specific milestone yet, they will have a "0/10" score.
Click a student's name to view their individual Kindergarten Readiness report.
- In the Progress column, the individual Kindergarten Readiness report shows the percentage completed towards individual Kindergarten Readiness milestones.
The percentage completed correlates with the following statuses in the Status column:Term/Field Description Not Encountered The student has not yet encountered curriculum that meets this milestone. Emerging The student has completed 33% or less of the curriculum to meet this milestone. Developing The student has completed 34% to 99% of the curriculum to meet this milestone. Kindergarten Ready The student has completed 100% of the milestone.