Understanding domain placement and individual learning paths (ILPs) in Imagine MyPath

Domain placement is a key feature of Imagine MyPath designed to personalize instruction for each student. By analyzing student performance within specific domains on assessments, MyPath creates tailored individual learning paths (ILPs) that target areas where students need additional support. 

How domain placement works

  • Students take assessments, such as the MyPath or NWEA MAP Growth Assessment.
  • MyPath analyzes the student's performance on each domain of the assessment.
  • Based on the domain scores, students are assigned lessons in their learning paths that address their needs within each domain.
  • Students progress through their learning paths, starting with the lowest placement grade and moving up as they master skills.

How domain placement relates to lesson domains

  • Each assessment measures a specific set of domains.
  • MyPath also has a set of lesson domains that vary based on the student's grade, state standards, and other factors.
  • Assessment domains are mapped to lesson domains to determine student placement in their learning paths. Here are links to the crosswalks for Common Core, Florida's B.E.S.T., and TEKS.
  • When multiple assessment domains map to one lesson domain, the lowest placement grade is used to ensure that the appropriate lessons are worked on first.

Impact on student learning paths

  • Domain placement can result in shorter or longer learning paths for students in your class because each student's learning path is based on their own assessment results.
  • Students may need to complete prerequisite lessons from lower grades before moving on to on-grade-level content.
  • Each new assessment that a student takes may adjust their learning path depending on their results, but students will not be reassigned lessons they have already completed.

Benefits of domain placement

  • Personalized learning: Instruction is targeted to the student's specific needs within each domain.
  • Efficient learningStudents focus on areas where they need improvement, avoiding unnecessary repetition.
  • Improved outcomes: By addressing specific skill gaps, students are better prepared for academic success.

Additional Considerations

  • MyPath monitors and adapts each student's learning path through ongoing mastery checks that assess students' knowledge within and across lessons.
  • You can see progress at the domain and skill level in real time for your class or individuals, enabling you to intervene as needed.
  • If you manually input a placement grade after a student takes an assessment, it will override the domain placements of the learning path and result in a grade-level learning path for the student.
  • If you manually input a placement grade before a student takes an assessment, MyPath will adjust the student's learning path, if needed, once they complete the assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What assessments provide domain placement in Imagine MyPath?
The MyPath Assessment and the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment integration provide domain-level scores that are used to support domain placement in Imagine MyPath. The Renaissance Star assessment integration does not support domain placement because domain-level scores are not available for these assessments through the integration.
Should educators expect to see differences in the learning path for students with different domain-level scores on the assessment?
It depends. The impact of domain placement is dependent on student results and the logic of how a student’s domain-level scores are used to inform the learning path. In general, you will be more likely to notice differences in the learning path for students who display significantly different patterns of performance across domains.
What will an educator see in MyPath to indicate that domain placement informed a student’s learning path?
In the Student Progress report, you can see the grade levels and domains of each lesson in the student’s learning path. This will help you understand the grade level at which the student is working within each domain. However, there is no call-out on the report that identifies a lesson as having been added due to a particular domain placement score.
Do students still need to complete the bridge lessons if they are placed above grade level in a domain?
Yes, currently, students must complete prerequisite on-grade-level lessons through the placement grade of the domain if they place above grade level.
How are the lesson domains reported in a student’s learning path?
MyPath reports lesson domains based on the student's rostered grade. In some cases, prerequisite lessons from domains appropriate for earlier grades are included in a student’s learning path. These lessons will be reported with the appropriate corresponding domain from the student’s rostered grade. For example, if a Grade 6 student whose domain placement for Statistics & Probability was at the Grade 3 level, they would be assigned lessons that target Grade 3 measurement and data skills, which are prerequisite skills for statistics and probability. This ensures that students master foundational skills before working on skills appropriate for their rostered grade level. Student performance on these prerequisite lessons will be reported under the appropriate domain for Grade 6, Statistics and Probability, even though the content is from the Grade 3 Measurement & Data domain.
What happens when a student gets to the end of their learning path?
Currently, you will see an alert on the Class Summary that a student has completed their learning path. You can choose to reassign lessons where the student struggled or manually place the student in a higher grade level. We are currently exploring additional ways to best support students who have completed their learning path.

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