Reassigning a lesson for a student in Imagine MyPath


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine MyPath
  • Imagine Purpose
  • Imagine Science Corner

Teachers and Administrators can reassign completed lessons in a student's learning path if they think another attempt would benefit the student. For example, if you facilitated a reteaching session after the student failed their first attempt, reassigning the lesson would be a way to assess their current level of understanding since they would be prompted to complete a mastery check before receiving instruction again.

How reassigning a lesson affects reports

  • Student Progress Report: When a lesson is reassigned, it gets listed under the Upcoming view. Data from the previous attempt remains under the Current and Complete view until the student begins the lesson again.
  • Class Summary Report: When a lesson is reassigned, the data for that student's work is removed from the Class Summary. This prevents confusion if the student has attempted the same lesson multiple times within the Class Summary reporting period. In addition, it helps teachers identify the most actionable data.
  • Class Progress Report: When a lesson is reassigned, the lesson displays "Not Started". When the student completes another attempt, the report updates to reflect the new data. A lesson always displays the results of the most recent attempt.
  • Usage Reports: Usage reports retain a record of all lessons and the time a student has spent in MyPath, even if lessons were reassigned.

How reassigning a lesson affects students

  • When multiple lessons are reassigned, the student is returned to the earliest reassigned lesson in their learning path. When that lesson is complete, the student is directed to the next reassigned lesson in their learning path. This continues until the student works their way back to the lesson in their learning path that was next in line before the earlier lessons were reassigned. 


An In Progress lesson cannot be reassigned; only Completed lessons can be reassigned. If you do not see a reassign icon ( mceclip1.png ) for a lesson under the Current and Complete view, check under the Upcoming view. The lesson has probably already been reassigned.

To reassign a lesson in a student's learning path:

  1. Select a class.
  2. Click a student's name.
  3. Select Reassign Lessonmceclip1.png ) in the Edit column of the relevant lesson.
  4. Click Reassign to confirm reassigning the lesson.
    reassign less confHL.png

    The lesson is reassigned, and the Reassign Lesson icon ( mceclip1.png ) for that lesson no longer appears in the Current and Complete view. 
    lesson reassigned conf.png

  5. You can view the reassigned lesson in the Upcoming view.
    reassigned lesson_upcoming HL.png