Analyzing the Imagine Language & Literacy Growth report at the class and student levels

Teachers and Administrators: After reading Overview of the Growth report and accessing the report on your device, use this article to help you interpret your students' results in more detail.

To analyze the class/group-level or student-level Benchmark Growth report:

  1. If you are associated with more than 1 group, select a group in the drop-down menu and click Apply Changes

    select a grou.png

  2. Click the applicable tab to review Literacy scores, Oral Vocabulary scores, or Lexile measures.
    assessment tabs.png
  3. Use the Test Windows menu to select 1 or more assessments and click Apply Changes
    test window today.png


    • When you select a single assessment, all students will display in the report. When you select more than 1 assessment, only students with a score in all of the selected assessments will display in the report.
    • If you select an assessment that is currently disabled, no results will display. However, you can view the scores for any students who took the assessment before it was disabled in the Cumulative Performance report. 
  4. Based on how many assessments you selected, click on a tab below to analyze your students' results. 
    Single Assessment Multiple Assessments

    Overall Placement/At-a-Glance View (top left)

    overall placement group level with tested out.png

    Students tested: The number of students with a score on the assessment out of the total number of students in the class/group. Students who test out of an assessment do not have a score and are therefore not counted as tested.

    Test dates:
    The date range of the assessment window for the assessment you selected in the Test Windows filter.

    Bar graph:
    There is one vertical bar graph for the assessment you selected.
    • For Literacy, the vertical bar shows the count of students who performed above grade level, on grade level, 1 grade below, and 2 or more grades below grade level.
    • For Oral Vocabulary, the vertical bar shows the count of students working on Basic Vocabulary, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Academic Vocabulary.
    • For Lexile, the vertical bar shows the count of students who performed above grade level, on grade level, and below grade level.
    Boxes underneath the bar graph: View the percentage of eligible rostered students in the following statuses:
    Status Definition
    Completed Students who finished and submitted the assessment.
    Expired Students for whom more than 28 calendar days have passed since they last worked on their assessment.


    In some instances, expired Benchmark tests will automatically be reassigned when the student next logs in. However, the Reading Level Assessment (RLA) can only be reassigned by contacting Product Support

    In Progress Students who have already started but not yet finished the assessment. Students can log out during an assessment and pick up where they left off in their next session.
    Not Started Students who have not yet begun their assessment.
    Tested Out

    Applies to the Literacy and Oral Vocabulary tabs only. Students who will not be given the assessment because they are already working significantly above grade level. 


    Students who are performing significantly above grade level may automatically test out of either the Literacy or the Oral Vocabulary portion of the Benchmark. Students can't test out of both sections. They also can't test out of the Reading Level Assessment (RLA).

    Not eligible

    Applies to the Lexile tab only. To be eligible to take the Reading Level Assessment, the following conditions must be met:

    • The test must be enabled
    • The student must be in Grade 2 or higher
    • The student must have completed or tested out of the Primary Decodable Books
    Download Student Lists button: Pressing this button downloads a CSV file of every student in the group with their student ID, first and last name, grade level, and testing completion status as defined in the table above.  

    Student Placement Overview/5-Minute View (top right)

    Bar graphs: There is a bar for each student with a test score, showing their scaled score for the assessment placed in the classification it falls in. Students who have not yet taken the assessment or who tested out will not display.
    students single assessment ILL.png

    For example, Tonita's score of 1104 is in the 1 Grade Below category. You can view the grade-level ranges for scaled scores in Overview of the Growth report.
    Tonita score.png


    Click the Expand icon in the top right corner to open a larger version of the image.

    Data Table/Detailed Student Placement (bottom)

    detailed student placement with Score type column.png

    The data in this portion of the report includes:
    • Student: An alphabetical list of all students in the group. 
    • Rostered Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in.
    • Completion Date: The date the student finished of the assessment. Students who have tested out do not have a completion date; instead, "No data" displays for these students.
    • Score/Lexile Level: The student's scaled score for the assessment. Students who have not yet taken the assessment or who tested out will display "No data".
    • Score Type (Literacy and Oral Vocabulary tabs only): Placement or Benchmark.
    • Assessed Grade (Literacy tab only): The level of content that the student has the ability to work on. It may or may not match the student's rostered grade. 
    • Placement (Literacy and Lexile tabs only): A comparison of the student's assessed grade with their rostered grade, to indicate whether they are working on, above, or below grade level. Students who tested out will display "Tested Out".
    • Performance (Oral Vocabulary tab only): The type of vocabulary the student is learning (Basic, Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced).
  5. Be sure to analyze the report not just for Literacy, but also for Oral Vocabulary and for Lexile (if you've enabled the RLA), by clicking on the appropriate tab in the top left corner. The Overview of the Growth report article contains additional information about the color-coding and score ranges for each type of score. 
    step 5 class and student level.png
  6. To print the report, click the printer icon, then choose one of the following options: printing options.png
    • Select Print group report to print a copy of the data from the tab you are currently on. You must print this report separately from each tab.
    • Select Print student reports to get a one-page document of the All Benchmarks view for each student you select with the checkboxes, then click Print Report. This report will be the same regardless of which tab you are on, so you only need to print it once and you'll get Literacy, Oral Vocabulary, and Lexile data for each student.
    print reports.png
  7. To export the data to a CVS file, you only need to download it once from any tab: the export will be the same regardless of whether you download it from the Literacy, Oral Vocabulary, or Lexile tab. 
    CSV Export.png
    Click HERE to view the information included in the CSV export.


    Acronyms in the column headers of this report include:
    • BOY = Beginning of Year
    • MOY = Middle of Year
    • EOY = End of Year
    • OV = Oral Vocabulary
    • RLA = Reading Level Assessment
    The file will include the following information for each student:
    • First name, last name, group/class name(s), and rostered grade
    • Completion date of each Benchmark for BOY, MOY, and EOY. ("Literacy & OV" = Literacy & Oral Vocabulary, which is the Benchmark.)
    • Placement test date, literacy score, and oral vocabulary score (for students who took the Placement test this current school year). These columns will be blank for students who took the Placement test in a previous school year.
    • Literacy scores for each test window (reported as a scaled score)
    • Literacy Assessed Grade for each test window (i.e., the grade level of the content the student is working on, which may or may not match their rostered grade)
    • Literacy Placement for each test window (i.e., a comparison of the student's rostered grade and assessed grade to classify the student as working Above Grade, On Grade, 1 Grade Below, or 2+ Grades Below) 
    • Growth between assessments for Literacy (comparing MOY–BOY, EOY–MOY, and EOY–BOY)  
    • Oral Vocabulary scores for each test window (reported as a scaled score)
    • Oral Vocabulary Performance for each test window (Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced)
    • Growth between assessments for Oral Vocabulary (comparing MOY–BOY, EOY–MOY, and EOY–BOY)
    • Completion date of each Reading Level Assessment (RLA)
    • Reading Level Assessment (RLA) score for each test window (reported as a Lexile ["L"] measure)
    • RLA Placement for each test window (Above Grade, On Grade, or Below Grade; these are based on grade level norms from Metametrics and are not state-specific)
    • Growth between RLA assessments (comparing MOY–BOY, EOY–MOY, and EOY–BOY) 
  8. Click on a student's name to drill down to the student level of the report. 
    click on Tonita.png
  9. The report opens on the Literacy tab; click All Benchmarks in the top left to view summary information for all assessments in one place.
    rostered grade chip 2.png
    You'll see the scaled score for each assessment, the student's assessed grade for Literacy, and, if you selected more than 1 test window, growth between assessments. An increase in scaled score is indicated by a green up arrow, while a decrease in scaled score is shown by a red down arrow. You'll also see the completion date of each assessment.


    Compare the student's rostered and assessed grades.
    rostered and assessed comparison.png

  10. Click on the Literacy, Oral Vocabulary, and/or Lexile tabs to see more detailed information including subtest scores.
    rostered grade chip 3.png
  11. Click the Download button or the Print button, if desired. The exported CSV file at the student level has the same columns as CSV export at the class level; see step 7 above for more information.
    rostered grade chip 4.png