Test instructions for administering Imagine Galileo K-1 audio assessments

For details on printing test materials view Printing Imagine Galileo test materials.

To assess your learning path, we will conduct a test that includes audio. You will need headphones or earbuds to complete the test. Each item will display a gray Play ( updTeacher_Script_Instructions_K-1_play.png ) button, which you should click to hear the instructions. Some items will also have answer choices that can be heard by clicking the blue speaker ( Teacher_Script_Instructions_K-1_blue_speaker.png ). To select an answer, click on the circle in front of it.

You may be asked to click or click and drag numbers, words, or images. When you finish an item, click the green Next ( Teacher_Script_Instructions_K-1_green_next.png ) button to save your answer and move to the next question.

Screens of encouragement will be displayed during the test, which you can use to take a break if needed. When you answer the last item, a green Submit Test ( Teacher_Script_Instructions_K-1_submit.png ) button will appear. Once you submit the test, you will be unable to access it. To log out of the K-12 Student-Parent Center, select Logout ( logout.png ) in the upper right corner of the screen.