Navigating the student experience in Imagine MyPath


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine MyPath
  • Imagine Purpose
  • Imagine Science Corner


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Imagine MyPath is a personalized learning program designed to help students master grade-level skills in Math and Reading. Students' individualized learning paths contain interactive lessons that adapt to each student's needs, providing engaging, age-appropriate content and support features. Ongoing mastery checks ensure that students are working on the right material at the right time, gamified elements help keep students motivated, and various accessibility features and language supports provide assistance to diverse learners.

Use this article to gain a better understanding of the student experience so that you are better able to support your students' successful use of MyPath. For more information about how to support your students, refer to Recommendations for maximizing learning outcomes. There are also short videos at the bottom of this article that provide an overview of the student experience. Those may be another good starting point and can be viewed with your students.

Getting started

  1. Students log in to Imagine MyPath.
  2. The home pages and subject tiles each have a different look for different grade bands. Clicking a subject tile will launch the program. 
    k-2-landing-page.png 3-5-landing-page.png
    Grades K–2 Grades 3–5
    6-8-landing-page.png 9-12-landing-page.png
    Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12


    Students must be given product access via the Product Portal in order for the corresponding subject tile to appear on their home page. The products available to you depend on what your organization purchased. For Grades K–5, the available subjects are Math, Reading, Science, and Purpose. For Grades 6–12, the available subjects are Math and Reading. A My Assignments tile may also be present if students have been assigned lessons by their teacher that are outside of their learning paths. The experience of completing lessons in those assignments is very similar to completing lessons in a learning path.

  3. If this is a student's first time accessing MyPath Math or Reading and the MyPath Assessment has been turned on, they will be prompted to take the assessment. Otherwise, they will be taken to their course map and can continue working on their learning path.
    k-2-course-map.png 3-5-course-map.png
    Grades K–2 Grade 3–5
    6-8-course-map.png 9-12-course-map.png
    Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12

    The course map shows all of the lessons in a student's learning path, but students can only access one lesson at a time. Completed lessons have a green checkmark; future lessons are greyed out. For students in grades 6–12, guided notes are available beneath the title of the lesson they are currently working on. Clicking Go or Start launches the student's current lesson.

Progress tracking, personalization, and goal-setting

  1. Students can easily monitor their own usage and progress from their My Progress page.
  2. Students in grades K–8 earn stars by completing activities and lessons. Earned stars unlock rewards that students can use to personalize their learning experience. The rewards system is not enabled for students in grades 9–12, but all students can still personalize their experience by choosing different sidekicks and backgrounds on their My Stuff page.
  3. These goal sheets can help students take ownership of their learning and motivate them to make consistent progress in their learning paths. 
    Grades K–2 Grades 3–12
    K-2-goal-sheet.png 3-12-goal-sheet.png

Student Experience Videos

These short videos describe the student experience in different grade bands and in both Reading and Math. If you want to play a video for your students, we recommend describing what is being shown as it plays. There isn't a voiceover to provide narration, so having you there to guide their eyes will be helpful.

Grade Band Reading Math
K–5 k-5-student-exp-video.png k-5-student-exp-video.png
6–8 6-8-student-exp-video.png 6-8-student-exp-video.png
9–12 9-12-student-exp-video.png 9-12-student-exp-video.png