Viewing the Usage report in Imagine Español

The Usage report allows Teachers and Administrators to view time on the program for all students assigned to them. You can view usage at both the group and individual student levels, and the Usage report updates within an hour.


  • District Administrators can also view school-level data.
  • Only usage data from active students assigned to a group are included in the Usage report. Administrators with students unassigned to groups are notified in the top right corner of the portal. Click Unassigned Active Students to begin the process of assigning the students to a group.
    admin view IE basic info.png

To view Usage reports:

  1. Log in to Imagine Español.
  2. If you have more than 1 group, select the group that you want to view. (District Administrators must first select a school.)
  3. The group-level Usage report displays. The Time Period filter defaults to the last 4 Weeks. Change the Time Period and Grade filters if desired.
    IE Usage.png
    The Time Period options are:
    Time Period Definition
    This Week The current week that will end on Saturday.
    Last Week The previous full week that ended on Saturday.
    4 Weeks  The previous 3 full weeks ending on Saturday plus usage  accumulated so far in the current week that will end on Saturday.
    8 Weeks The previous 7 full weeks ending on Saturday plus  accumulated usage for the current week that will end on Saturday.
    Year to Date The data from the beginning of your school year until now.
    Custom Select a date range by clicking the start and end dates you want. If you select a date mid-week, the first dot on the graph shows data starting that day and ending on the Saturday of that week.
  4. The top of the report is either a bar graph (when the time filter is set to This Week or Last Week) or a line graph (all other timeframes, including the default 4 Weeks). For This Week and Last Week, hover over a bar  to display the average usage of the students in that group, as well as how many students used the program that day or week. 
    IE hover on usage report.png


    Look at the number of active students and compare that with the number of students enrolled in Imagine Español in the group or school you are viewing. Are nearly 100% of your students using the program? 

  5. Depending on your role, the bottom of the report shows a row for each student's, group's, or school's data for the time frame you've selected in the filter. The screenshot below is from the viewpoint of a School Administrator.
    IE admin view usage report.png
    The columns at the bottom of the report for Administrators are explained below. (Teachers: Skip to step 6 to view the group-level report).
    Column Name Description
    Name The name of the group (class).


    District Administrators: Your report shows a list of schools instead of groups; click the name of a school to drill down to the groups within that school.

    Active Students (YTD) The number of students within the group with 1 or more minutes of usage during the current academic year.
    Active Students (Time Period selected), i.e., Active Students (4 Weeks) The number of students with 1 or more minutes of usage during the selected timeframe.

    Average Daily Usage


    Average Weekly Usage

    The average amount of time each student in the group has used the program during the Time Period selected. For This Week and Last Week, daily usage displays. For all other timeframes, weekly usage displays.
  6. If applicable, click the name of a group to drill down to student-level information. A row for each student displays with the following columns. This is the default view for at the group level of the report.
    Bottom of IE Usage report group-level.png
    Column Name Description
    Name The student's name. Click on the name to go from the group-level report to the individual student's data.
    Grade The student's rostered grade.
    Total Usage The student's total usage in the Time Period you've selected at the top of the report.
    Days Active
    Weeks Active
    The number of days or weeks the student has used the program during the selected Time Period.
    Average Daily Usage
    Average Weekly Usage
    The average amount of time that the student used the program during each day or week in the selected Time Period.
  7. If desired, click Print to generate the report in PDF format.  
  8. Click on a student's name to go to an individual student's Usage report.
    click on Stanley Godfrey.png
  9. The student-level report opens with the Time Period defaulted to 4 Weeks and a dot for each week ending on Saturday. This report is much like the group-level report; change the Time Period if desired.
    IE Student usage.png
    The table below lists the columns at the bottom of the report for an individual student:
    Column Name Description
    Week Ending
    The date in M/DD/YYYY format. If the Time Period is This Week or Last Week, each day in the week is listed separately. For all other Time Periods, the date of each Saturday displays.
    Usage The total usage in the day or week.
  10. Print the report via the printer icon, or navigate to another student's report using the previous and next pagination arrows at the top of the report.  
    IE Student usage nav and print.png


    To go directly to a specific student's individual report, click the student's name at the top of the page and select another student's name in the drop-down menu that opens.
    select a kid IE.png