Show this orientation video in either English or Spanish to your students before they start using Imagine Español. It explains everything your students need to know about what Imagine Español is and how to use it successfully.
English narration
Click the Closed Caption icon ( ) in the video player task bar to display captions so students can follow along as they listen.
Narración en Español
This short video explains to students how Imagine Español teaches them to read in Spanish using learning games, fun books, and videos. Imagine Español also teaches students about people who speak Spanish all around the world.
Students will need to log in to Imagine Español and use headphones to hear instructions. The first time they log in to Imagine Español, they will take a short test to determine which activities are best for them. Students can use the Control Panel to hear instructions again, repeat an activity, and move on to the next activity.
As students use Imagine Español, they will occasionally record themselves reading or singing out loud. They learn how to start or pause their recordings and how to turn pages in a book. Students also learn to press Pause if they need to stop Imagine Español momentarily, and to press Pause and then press Logout to end their session.
When students answer questions correctly, they earn Booster Bits. Students can spend their Booster Bits to customize their avatar, play games, and explore exhibits in the Imagine Museum. At the end of their session, students see a summary screen of the Booster Bits they earned and the work they completed.
Be sure students are familiar with the various student screens in Imagine Español.