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Reward locations and game descriptions in Imagine Math PreK-2

Once a student completes a lesson, options for the Music Hall, Fair, Treasure Island, and Information Center become active on the map. The student can access each location once, after which the location becomes grayed-out and inaccessible until the student completes their next lesson.

Though a student can't re-enter a reward location until they complete their next lesson, once they are in a reward location they can stay there indefinitely. The reward locations contain educational content; it is simply presented in a different way than it is during their normal lessons.

However, if you wish to limit student time in reward locations, limit the time students stay on their device in a single session. When students log back in, they are automatically moved on to their next lesson. Once the student starts their next lesson, even if they didn't visit any of the other locations on the map, all additional locations are locked down until the lesson is completed.


The time spent in these additional locations is not factored into Usage Time/Math Time that appears in the Usage report.


Music Hall

Many lessons in Imagine Math PreK-2 include educational songs. At the Music Hall, students can watch these songs on demand.

Information Center

At the Information Center, students can learn more about Ruby, Oliver, and the other Imagine Math PreK-2 characters, as well as review the Introductory Lesson.

Treasure Island

This reward location shows all the tokens a student has earned. A student can also click unearned tokens for another chance to earn them. (Earned tokens are yellow and unearned tokens are gray.)


This is the equivalent of the Targeted Review that's available for students at the end of a lesson.


The Fair has 4 game locations for students to visit: Circus, Zoo, Arcade, and Roller Coaster. Each location contains games focusing on one or more related topics. Not all games are instantly available—they unlock as students progress through the curriculum and complete the applicable prerequisite lessons. 

Each game is described in the table below.

Game Description
Clunky Monkey

This game focuses on composing a given number and finding an unknown addend to help a monkey cross a gap.

Click the Chicken

This game focuses on composing numbers and finding an unknown addend by clicking eggs to make a given total number of eggs.


This game explores addition by using balls to balance a scale and create an expression equal to a given sum.

Hippo Hop

This game focuses on finding missing addends by filling in missing numbers in number houses.

Lion Leap

This game focuses on selecting the correct expression that corresponds to the value on the lion.

Ra Ra Racoons!

This game features finding the missing numbers that make an equation true. As the student progresses, later levels include both addition and subtraction equations. This game also features a competition where students must get more answers correct than the other raccoon to win the game of tug-of-war.

Sneaky Snake

In this game, the student highlights different expressions with a given value by creating a path for the snake back to the snake charmer.

Hide and Sea

This game focuses on subitizing (recognizing the number of objects in a structured or unstructured arrangement without counting). Students have to find a group with a given number of objects. Some of the activities in the game are timed. The number of objects in the groups and the complexity of the arrangements increases as students progress through the game. Later levels include multiple place value representations of numbers up to 100 (e.g., base ten blocks, ten frames, stick models, and disc models).



This game focuses on counting forward, counting backward, skip counting, and learning the number sequence up to 1,200. Students help an ostrich find its way through a maze of numbers by selecting the numbers in prescribed counting order. As students progress, the range of numbers increases.


Buckle Up


This game focuses on location words that help early learners to understand and follow instructions. This game also teaches ordinal numbers. It features various rides and attractions where students use location words and ordinal numbers to help a group of animals find their correct seats.buckleUp.png

Tiger Claw


This game focuses on addition and subtraction within 100 with the support of representational models. Students make a model to represent a given expression. Then students find the numerical value of the expression. The numerical range and difficulty of the problems increase as students progress through the game. Students help a tiger play a "claw machine" arcade game to win a toy for each correctly solved problem.tigerClaw.png

On The Fly


This game focuses on addition and subtraction within 20 with the support of a concrete model. Students play for a team of frogs competing in a relay race. To win a round in the tournament, students need to be the first to get their team of frogs to the other side of a pond. Students use flies and jars of 10 flies to represent a given expression. Then students find the numerical value of the expression. Each correctly solved problem helps the frogs progress in the race.onTheFly.png



This game focuses on counting objects up to 100, skip-counting objects, and modeling a number using various objects (e.g., base ten blocks, coins, a stick, and bundles of sticks). Students play for a robo-bunny in an arm-wrestling competition against various animals.kerfluffle.png






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