Using the educator portal in Imagine Math Facts

All educators (Teachers, School Administrators, District Administrators, and Customer Administrators) arrive at the Usage report after logging in to Imagine Math Facts portal. On the left side of the Usage report and all other pages in Imagine Math Facts, you can access links to reports and account management information as described in the table underneath the screenshot. Links to more specific Help Center articles for each feature are included for your reference.

IMF left navigation bar.png


The screenshot above is from the viewpoint of a School Administrator. There are slight role-dependent differences in the Management section as detailed below.

Link or Section Description
A. Home

Applies to the Imagine Math program only.

B. Reports section

Links to reports:

C. Management section


Clicking a link in this section takes you to a page where you can view current students/classes, etc., and edit the entities or add new ones.

The links here vary by your role; the applicable roles have an X.

Link Teacher School Administrator District Administrator Customer Administrator
Educators   X X X
Students X X X X
Classrooms X X    
Schools     X  
Organizations       X


D. Program selector

If your students are also using Imagine Math, you can navigate to the Imagine Math dashboard from here.
programs selector.png

E. Student Data Export

Export your data as a CSV file.

F. Account management menu

Click the arrow to the right of your name to view and change information about your account and to log out of the program. Click Profile if you want to change your password, name, or email.
profile and logout.png

G. Resource Center

Click the question mark to visit the Resource Center. Since Imagine Math Facts does not have its own section for Teacher Resources or other content in the left navigation bar, visit the Resource Center for additional offline materials such as achievement certificates, family letters, and sticker templates.