The Imagine Math 3+ Student Progress report provides Benchmark Test, usage, and lesson details for each student. You can begin referencing the Student Progress report as soon as your students complete the Benchmark 1 Test.
Administrators and Teachers can review Student Progress reports for any student assigned to them.
Student Progress reports update hourly.
Student Progress reports only contain information for completed lessons. If a student is in the middle of a lesson, the Usage report captures their time on the program throughout the entire lesson, but the Student Progress report will not update until the lesson is finished.
To view the Student Progress report:
- Log in to Imagine Math.
- In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, click Student Progress.
- Use the Search box or scroll through the list to find the student whose report you wish to view; then click the student's name to open the report..
You can also print the report from this page by clicking the printer icon in the Actions column on the far right.
- In the right corner of the report's header, the student's Instructional Grade Level displays. This is determined by the student's performance on the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment or the embedded Imagine Math Benchmark. It may be different from the student's rostered grade level.
- The body of the Student Progress report includes five sections — Math Time, Student Performance, Usage Since Last Benchmark Test, Benchmark Detail, and Lesson Activity.
The top of the Student Progress report only displays data from the student's performance in your class(es). If you don't see data in the top section of this report, but you know that the student is using the program, it is likely because the student is working on a pathway in another class. Data from pathways that the student is working on in other classes does appear in the Lesson Activity portion of the report near the bottom of the page, but it does not show in the summary section at the top.
If the student has multiple pathways in this class, try choosing a different pathway from the top right Pathway drop-down menu. If you are an Administrator, try looking for the student in another classroom.
You can filter reports by classroom, student, and pathway. Click Print to open a PDF of the Student Progress report that can be printed or saved.
Each section of the report is described below in order from left to right, top to bottom across your screen.
Math Time YTD |
Displays how much time a student has spent using Imagine Math YTD during school hours (7 a.m. to 4 p.m. local time on weekdays) and nights and weekends (all other hours). The year-to-date start time begins as soon as a student starts working in an Imagine Math lesson.
Note Time spent working on Benchmarks is not included in this calculation. |
Student Performance |
The top of this section shows the total percentage of lessons passed. Below the total are circle graphs providing a break-down of below-grade level and on-grade-level lessons the student has passed. Recommendations Students should typically pass a higher number of below-level lessons than on-grade level lessons. The grade-level pass rate should be at least 70%. |
Usage Since Last Benchmark |
Note This portion of the report does not populate for students who take the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment. |
Provides insight into:
Recommendation Students should spend at least 60 minutes per week working in Imagine Math and complete at least 2 lessons per week. Students should pass 70% of their on-grade level lessons. The three data points in this section of the report are colored green if students are meeting or exceeding the recommendation and red if they are not. |
Benchmark Detail |
Note This portion of the report does not populate for students who take the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment. |
This section helps you analyze student Benchmark Test performance throughout the year. The data points can help you group students according to proficiency.
Lesson Activity |
The Lesson Activity section gives insight into a student’s progress on lessons for the selected pathway. Note When students have more than one pathway, changing the pathway at the top of the report changes the data displayed in this section of the report.