The Imagine Math Facts Usage report allows you to view data by classroom or by student and by all operations together (Overview) or each operation individually.
Teachers and Administrators can review Usage reports for any student assigned to them, and Usage reports update hourly.
Print out a class progress tracker, hang it on your classroom wall, and use it to record and display students' usage of Imagine Math Facts. We recommend students use Imagine Math Facts 10 - 15 minutes per session, three times per week.
To view Usage reports:
- In the Reports section of the left navigation bar, select Usage.
Optional: Use the filters at the top of the page to change the data that displays. In the Group by filter, you can select All Students or All Classrooms. Date range and Grade levels filters are also available. You can also search by a particular classroom or student in the top left corner of the page.
The Overview portion of the report opens, with usage data for all four operations combined. Hover over the sections of the bars to view the percentage of time in each operation.
When the report is grouped by All Classrooms, the following data columns display for each classroom on the Overview tab.
Column Name Description Active Students The number of students in the class who have submitted an answer to at least one math problem in any operation. Average Total Fact Time This column displays a bar and a number. The bar displays the proportion of time spent on each operation compared to the total average time. The number is the average time that each class used Imagine Math Facts in hours and minutes. Click the information icon to learn more about the bar; click the arrow to change the ascending/descending display order.
Avg School Fact Time The average amount of time that each class used Imagine Math Facts between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. local time on weekdays. Avg Home Fact Time The average amount of time that each class used Imagine Math Facts between the hours of 4 p.m. and 7 a.m. local time on weekdays and any time on weekends. -
When the report is grouped by All Students, the following data columns display for each student on the Overview tab. You can hover over the sections in the bars to view the percentage of time in each operation.
Column Name Description Total Fact Time This column displays a bar and a number. The bar displays the proportion of time spent on each operation compared to the total time. The number is the time that each student used Imagine Math Facts in hours and minutes. Click the information icon to learn more about the bar; click the arrow to change the ascending/descending display order. School Fact Time The amount of time that each student used Imagine Math Facts between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. local time on weekdays. Home Fact Time The amount of time that each student used Imagine Math Facts in non-school time. Tip
At this level of the report, you can add in columns for Grade Level and Student Information Number by clicking the Customize button.
You can switch between operations. Click an operation to see the usage unique to the selected operation.
At the operation level, the Usage report displays the following information when grouped by class.
Column Name Description Active Students The number of students in the class who answered at least one math problem in the selected operation. Avg Pre-test Score The class's average Pre-test score for the selected operation. Avg Post-test Score The class's average Post-test score for the selected operation. If no students in the class have taken the Post-test, two dashes (--) will display.
Avg (Operation Name) Time This column displays a bar and a number. The length of the bar displays the proportion of time each class spent on the operation compared to other classes — i.e., the class with the highest usage has the longest bar. The number is the average time each student in the class spent on the selected operation in hours and minutes. Avg School Fact Time The average time each student in the class spent on the selected operation at school. Avg Home Fact Time The average time each student in the class spent on the selected operation at home. Tip
At this level of the report, you can add in columns for Number of Pre-Tests completed and Number of Post-Tests completed by clicking the Customize button.
At the operation level, the Usage report displays the following information when grouped by student.
Column Name Description Pre-test Score The student's Pre-test score for the selected operation. Post-test Score The student's Post-test score for the selected operation. If the student has not yet taken the Post-test, two dashes (--) will display.
(Operation Name) Time This column displays a bar and a number. The length of the bar displays the proportion of time each student spent on the operation compared to other students — i.e., the student with the highest usage has the longest bar. The number is the time each student spent on the selected operation in hours and minutes. Estimated Time Remaining The estimated amount of time in hours and minutes the student must continue working on the selected operation before being presented with that operation's Post-test. For students who have already completed the Post-test, 0m displays. School Fact Time The time each student spent on the selected operation at school. Home Fact Time The time each student spent on the selected operation at home. - Optional: Click the Download or Print icons to download the file to Excel or print/save to a PDF.
- Optional: Click a student's name to view their Student Progress report. Student Progress reports show individual student Pre-test and Post-test scores and student progress towards fact fluency.
Watch the video below to learn more about the Usage reports.