Reassigning the Pre-test in Imagine Math Facts

If a student receives an Imagine Math Facts Pre-test score that doesn't seem appropriate for their skill level, School Administrators and Teachers can reassign the Pre-test to the student. You can reassign a Pre-test at any time for any operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) if a student has already taken it. After reassignment, the student receives a new Pre-test the next time they log in to Imagine Math Facts.


Once you reassign an Imagine Math Facts Pre-test to a student, their most recent Pre-test scores are removed and cannot be restored. 

Reassigning a Pre-test will: 

  • Invalidate the student's most recent Pre-test scores. (However, the student's most recent Pre-test scores will still display in reports until the student completes the reassigned test.) 
  • Administer the Pre-test to the student the next time they log in.
  • Restart the student in the operation(s) that were reassigned.

To reassign the Imagine Math Facts Pre-test:

  1. Log in to the Math suite.
  2. From your Dashboard, click Reports > Student Progress in the navigation pane.


  3. Click the name of the student to whom you want to reassign the Pre-test.
  4. Scroll down to the Growth widget, then click Reassign Pre-test.


  5. Click the applicable operation(s), then click Reassign.


  6. You'll see a confirmation that the Pre-test has been reassigned. Click OK to close the notification.