Using the Cumulative Performance report (CPR) in Imagine Language & Literacy

School Administrators and District Administrators can run, download, and print the Cumulative Performance report to pull student data from Imagine Language & Literacy in a highly customizable format. You can customize the report using preset filters called Report Bookmarks, or you can create your own filters and save them as Custom Bookmarks


Cumulative Performance report information updates nightly and reflects the previous day's data. Today's data cannot be included in the report.

This article explains how to access the report and then details the drop-down menus, bookmarks, and filters. The FAQs at the end of the article provide further guidance.


Throughout this article, you'll have the option to click a link to display further information. If you want to print this information, be sure to expand the section before you send the article to the printer.

To access, run, and save or print the Cumulative Performance report:

  • Log in to the Literacy and MyPath suite
  • Do one of the following:
    Access Method Directions
    From the Product Portal Click the link in the Cumulative Performance Reports section.
    ILL CPR.png
    From within Imagine Language & Literacy

    A. Select an organization from the bottom of the Home page.

    B. Select Progress from the Dashboard drop-down menu.


    C. Select Cumulative Performance.

  • The report displays with 4 main sections:
    • Bookmarks - Preset data points to include in the report
    • Drop-down menus - For basic data filtering
    • Filters - For advanced data filtering
    • Results table - The data applicable to the filters and/or bookmarks you've selected and well as the selections you make in the drop-down menus. When you open the report, the results include the data set that matches the default Report Bookmark.  



    Use the caret in the top right-hand side of the report to show or hide the Filters.

    To sort the data: Hover in the top right of the results section to get the ellipses, then click the caret in Sort by and make a selection.


    • By default, student data generated beginning July 1st of the current year appears in the report. You can customize the date range using the date filters at the top of the page. Consult with your Customer Success Manager if you need data generated prior to July 1st.
    • The report includes all rostered students, both active and inactive.
    • The value -1 purposely appears instead of N/A when the calculation formula requires division by 0. For the purposes of this report, -1 should be considered a numeric representation of N/A for columns that require a numeric value.
  • Use the drop-down menus, filters, and/or bookmarks to select which data should appear in the results table. The results update automatically each time you make a new selection.
  • Optional: Save your drop-down menus and filters as a Custom Bookmark so you can re-run this same report later at the click of a button.
  • As applicable: click Reset to clear your selections. Clicking Reset also clears your Report Bookmark if you selected a bookmark other than the default. 
  • To export the report, do one of the following:
    Action Step(s)
    If you've made selections in the filters or drop-down menus and want to export only this specific data:

    A. Hover over the top-right corner of the results table to make the More options menu appear; then click the three dots.
    More options CPR.png

    B. Click Export data.
    export data CPR.png
    C. Ensure Data with current layout is selected, then click Export.
    which data CPR.png

    To export all default data (based on the default selections in the Selected Row Values and Selected Metrics drop-down menus):

    A. Click Export in the top right corner and then select CSV or Excel. Your file will be saved as data.csv or data.xlsx.


    To export all available data, select every single option in the Selected Row Values and Selected Metrics menus and then follow the instructions in the row above.

    Once you've downloaded the file, you can also save it and/or print it from your browser if you wish.

Drop-down menus section

This portion of the report allows you to perform some basic data filtering to customize the set of students, groups (classrooms), or schools returned in the results.

  1. Use the drop-down menus to select the information you want to display in the report.
  2. As needed: Hover over the top right corner of a drop-down menu, then click the eraser to clear your selections. 

The drop-down menus are as follows:

Drop-down Menu  Description/Additional Information
School Select one or more schools to include in the report. If you are a School Administrator, the only option will be your own school. For District Administrators, the default is all schools.
Grade Level Select one or more grade levels to include in the report. The default setting is all applicable grade levels. Only the grade levels of students rostered in Imagine Language & Literacy in your school or district appear in the menu. If you are at a K-5 elementary school, for example, Grade 6 will not be an option for you to select. 
Assessment Type Select one or more assessment types to include in the report. Only the choices applicable to your school or district will display. The possible selections are Embedded (the default Imagine Language & Literacy Benchmark), RLA (the Reading Level Assessment), NWEA, Galileo, and None. None means that the student started an assessment but has not yet finished, or has not started it yet.
Custom Date Range The default start date is July 1st of the current school year; the default end date is yesterday. Click the calendar icons to make new selections. Today's data cannot be included in the report.
Select Row Values

This menu determines the columns that appear on the left side of the results table. It also determines how many rows appear in your report and in the Total # Rows box. Select the values in the order you want to include them in the report. To reorder the columns, change the order in which you click each box. (Alternately, you can reorder the columns after downloading the report.) 


If you want to "roll up" your report to the group (classroom) level, deselect all student-level data points—Student Last Name, Student First Name, Student Number, Username, Student Alt ID, First Session Date, and Last Session Date—and select Group instead. District Administrators can also roll up to the school level by deselecting Group and all student-level data points.

Select Metrics

This menu determines the columns that appear on the right side of the results table. Select the columns you want to include in the order you want them to appear in the report. They will appear immediately after the columns you selected in the Select Row Values drop-down menu.

Click HERE to learn more about the fields in the Select Metrics drop-down menu.


The table contains the definition of the column if the report displays at the student level. For roll-up reports (viewing at the group or school level instead of student level), the columns containing an asterisk(*) change to display an average instead of a total. Fields without an asterisk contain a total for all students in that group, school, teacher, etc.

Column Name Description/Additional Information
Weeks in Program* The number of unique weeks the student logged in between Sunday through Saturday. 
Unique Days Worked The total number of unique days the student logged into the program. This includes weekdays and weekends. For example, if a student logs in 3 times on January 12th, it counts as 1 unique day.
Activity Time (min) The student's total activity time on the program (in minutes). This includes time in Guided Review Mode. It does not include time students spend in Playlists.
Inactive Time (min) The total number of minutes the student logged in minus the time they spent on activities. Playlist activities count as inactive time.

Avg Activity Time per Unique Day Worked*

This is the average activity time (in minutes); it is calculated by taking the total activity time and dividing it by the number of unique days the student logged into IL&L. 
Lessons Completed The total count of lessons completed. 
Lessons Passed The total count of lessons passed. To pass a lesson, students must earn a 70% or higher. 
Language Lessons Completed The total count of both passed and failed Oral Vocabulary lessons the student or group of students completed. 
Language Lessons Passed The total number of Oral Vocabulary lessons the student or group of students passed.
Literacy Lessons Completed The total count of both passed and failed Literacy lessons the student or group of students completed. 
Literacy Lessons Passed The total number of Literacy lessons the student or group of students passed.
Grammar Lessons Completed The total count of both passed and failed Grammar lessons the student or group of students completed. 
Grammar Lessons Passed The total number of Grammar lessons the student or group of students passed.
Language Lesson Pass Rate The percentage of Oral Vocabulary lessons the student or group of students passed.
Literacy Lesson Pass Rate The percentage of Literacy lessons the student or group of students passed.
Grammar Lesson Pass Rate The percentage of Grammar lessons the student or group of students passed.
Lesson Pass Rate The total number of lessons passed divided by the total count of lessons completed.
Embedded Oral Vocabulary Benchmark 1 Score* The student's scaled score for the Oral Vocabulary portion of the BOY IL&L Benchmark.
Embedded Oral Vocabulary Benchmark 2 Score* The student's scaled score for the Oral Vocabulary portion of the MOY IL&L Benchmark.
Embedded Oral Vocabulary Benchmark 3 Score* The student's scaled score for the Oral Vocabulary portion of the EOY IL&L Benchmark.
Embedded Literacy Benchmark 1 Score* The student's scaled score for the Literacy portion of the BOY IL&L Benchmark.
Embedded Literacy Benchmark 2 Score* The student's scaled score for the Literacy portion of the MOY IL&L Benchmark.
Embedded Literacy Benchmark 3 Score* The student's scaled score for the Literacy portion of the EOY IL&L Benchmark.

RLA Score Beginning*

The student's Lexile­® measure from the beginning-of-year (BOY) Reading Level Assessment.
RLA Score Middle* The student's Lexile­ measure from the middle-of-year (MOY) Reading Level Assessment.
RLA Score End* The student's Lexile­ measure from the end-of-year (EOY) Reading Level Assessment.
Galileo Score 1* The student's DL, or Developmental Level, scaled score from the first Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark of the academic year. 
Galileo Percentile 1* The student's percentile rank from the first Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark of the academic year. 
Galileo Score 2* The student's DL scaled score from the second Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark of the academic year. 
Galileo Percentile 2* The student's percentile rank from the second Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark of the academic year. 
Galileo Score 3* The student's DL scaled score from the third Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark of the academic year. 
Galileo Percentile 3* The student's percentile rank from the third Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark of the academic year. 
MAP Growth Fall* The students' RIT score from the fall NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment.
MAP Growth Winter* The students' RIT score from the winter NWEA MAP Growth Assessment.
MAP Growth Spring* The students' RIT score from the spring NWEA MAP Growth Assessment.

Bookmarks section

You can select a premade Report Bookmark or create your own custom bookmark to define which data is included in the report. You will also have access to bookmarks made by other administrators in your organization: School Administrators can access bookmarks made by other School Administrators in the same school, and District Administrators can access bookmarks made by other District Administrators in the same district.

To use a Report Bookmark:

  1.  Click the Report Bookmarks button in the top left corner of the page. 
  2. Click the name of one of the bookmarks. The premade bookmarks appear at the top of the list, followed by any custom bookmarks you made or have access to.

    The name of the bookmark you've selected displays on the Report Bookmarks button. The Total # Rows box may also update according to the data that is returned. 

  3. To clear the bookmark, select Report Bookmarks and select Default View, or click Reset at the top of your screen.
Click HERE to view the data available in each premade Report Bookmark.
The Report Bookmarks are as follows:
Bookmark Use Case From the Select Row Values Menu From the Select Metrics Menu:
Default View Identify basic usage data and lessons completed vs. lessons passed. Do you notice a correlation between Activity Time and Lesson Pass Rate?

· School
· Grade Level
· Teacher

· Student Last Name
· Student First Name
· Student Number
· Last Session Date

· Unique Days Worked
· Activity Time (min)
· Inactive Time (min)
· Avg Activity Time per Unique Day Worked
· Lesson Completed
· Lessons Passed
· Lesson Pass Rate
Student Engagement and Progress

View each student's activity time and lesson pass rate. Do students with higher activity times also have high pass rates? or Do you notice a correlation between Activity Time and Lesson Pass Rate?

· School
· Grade Level
· Student Last Name
· Student First Name
· Student Number

· Activity Time (min)
· Lesson Completed
· Lessons Passed
· Lesson Pass Rate
Student Progress by Curriculum area See a breakdown of how students are doing in each curriculum area - Language (Vocabulary), Literacy, and Grammar. Do certain students need more assistance in certain areas? · School
· Grade Level
· Student Last Name
· Student First Name
· Student Number

· Language Lessons Completed
· Language Lessons Passed
· Literacy Lessons Completed
· Literacy Lessons passed
· Grammar Lessons Completed
· Grammar Lessons Passed
· Language Lesson Pass Rate
· Literacy Lesson Pass Rate
· Grammar Lesson Pass Rate

Student Assessment (Embedded) View scores on students' assessments throughout the year. As the year progresses, are the scores increasing?

· School
· Grade level
· Student Number
· Student First Name
· Student Last Name

· Embedded Oral Vocabulary Benchmark 1 Score
· Embedded Oral Vocabulary Benchmark 2 Score
· Embedded Oral Vocabulary Benchmark 3 Score
· Embedded Literacy Benchmark 1 Score
· Embedded Literacy Benchmark 2 Score
· Embedded Literacy Benchmark 3 Score

To create your own bookmark
Follow these steps after you have made your desired selections in the drop-down menus and/or filters. Up to 8 custom bookmarks can be created per role, per organization. (For example, the school administrators at the same school can create a total of 8 shared custom bookmarks.)

  1. Click Create Custom Bookmark at the top of the page.
  2. Type a name for the bookmark and click Confirm.


    Since your bookmark will be viewable by other School Administrators at your school (if you are a School Administrator) or other District Administrators in your district (if you are a District Administrator), add your last name to the end of the bookmark so everyone knows who made it.


This portion of the report contains additional filters beyond what is available in the drop-down menus. It is for those who want to take a deeper dive into the data. 


  • Only the filter options applicable to the groups, teachers, and schools you've selected will appear. For example, if none of the students in your filters have completed more than an hour in the program, 60+ will not appear as an option to select in your Activity Time per Week filter. However, if you edit the filters and select different schools, 60+ will appear in the Activity Time per Week filter if the students in the new schools you selected have reached this usage milestone.
  • The filters are cumulative, meaning that they work together (i.e., if you select multiple filters, the results contain only the students who meet all the requirements of all the filters.) 
  • If you export the report, follow the instructions here if you want only the filtered data to be included in the export file. 
  1. Use the caret in the top right-hand side of the report to show the Filters.
  2. Expand the filter you'd like to use.
  3. The filter opens defaulted to Filter type = Basic filtering. In this view, check the box(es) of the items you want to include.


    The numbers to the right of the options are not impacted by report filter selections and therefore may not apply to the number of results you will see in the report.

  4. Optional: Change Filter type to Advanced Filtering if you need more granular filtering. Then choose an item in the Show items when the value drop-down menu.

    You can add another condition using And or Or. Click Apply filter when you've finished making your selections.
  5. To save filter settings, click Create Custom Bookmark in the top left corner of the page.
  6. To revert all filters back to their defaults, click Reset in the top right corner of the page. 

    Click HERE to learn more about the Filters on the right-hand side of the report.
    Here is further information about each filter:
    Name  Definition/Additional Information
    Demographics This pulls from the district's Demographics data provided to Imagine Learning at the time of rostering. The choices available here will depend on what was input during rostering. Examples include SPED, ESOL, ELL, 504, etc.
    Teacher Select/deselect the teachers you want to include in the report.
    Group Select/deselect the groups (classrooms) you want to include in the report.
    Activity Time per Week (year-to-date) Choose between 0 min, 0-29 min, 30-44 min, 45 to 59 min, and/or 60+ min. 
    Lesson Pass Rate (year-to-date) Grouping 

    Choose between the various proficiency levels. This is the Lesson Pass Rate (total lessons passed/ total lessons completed) and is as follows:
    Developing is <60%
    Approaching is 60-69%
    Proficient is 70% or higher

    Active Students Choose between true and/or false. True means that students are active, while false means that they are not. An active student is one who has completed the Placement test and at least one minute of other activity.
    Active students = false includes rostered students with no activity. This may include students who have not yet logged in.
    Language Support Choose the students' first language (L1) audio support
    Program Level Choose between 1 below, 2+ below, on grade level, and/or above grade level.


Click on a question below to learn more about common use cases for the Cumulative Performance report.

How do I know how many active students I have?

An active student is one who has finished the Placement test and has at least one minute of activity time in the program. Use the side filter called Active Students to find them.

How much time are my students spending on their lessons?
  1. Use Select Metrics to select Activity Time (min) and Avg Activity Time per Unique Day Worked as well as any other dimensions you would like to view.

  2. Use Select Row Values to select Student Number and/or Student First Name and Student Last Name.

  3. Optional: Use the Grade Level drop-down menu to view a specific grade.
Are students mastering content (based on lesson pass rates)?
  1. Use Select Row Values to select Student Number and/or Student First Name and Student Last Name.
  2. Open Select Metrics and select the Lessons Completed, Lessons Passed, and Lesson Pass Rate (for overall pass rates). If desired, you can also select fields for specific content areas: Language Lessons Completed, Language Lessons Passed, Language Lesson Pass Rate, Literacy Lessons Completed, Literacy Lessons Passed, Literacy Lesson Pass Rate, Grammar Lessons Completed, Grammar Lessons Passed, and Grammar Lessons Pass Rate
What grade levels are struggling?
  1. Select a Grade Level from the drop-down menu.
  2. Open Select Metrics and select the Lessons Completed, Lessons Passed, and Lesson Pass Rate.
  3. Compare the passing rate across grades.
How do I see growth between assessments/Benchmarks?
  1. Filter on the groups you want to see. If you are comparing the data, select a specific grade and assessment type using the drop-down menus at the top of the page.
  2. The difference between the beginning of year score and the most current score (middle or end of year) is the growth.


    If you use the Cumulative Performance report to view growth, you need to perform the calculations yourself. However, the IL&L Benchmark Growth report and the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark report automatically calculate and display growth.

How do I determine who has met my school or district's contest criteria?
  1. Filter on the timeframe of the contest using the custom calendar in the Date Range drop-down menu.

  2. Filter on the students included in the contest (school, grade, etc.)
  3. Sort on the column(s) that match your contest criteria (For example: unique days worked, lessons completed, or lessons passed).
What is the lag time between when an action is taken and when it displays on the Cumulative Performance report?

The Cumulative Performance report data populates via an overnight sync. When a student completes a lesson, assessment, etc., the data is collected and compiled for reporting the next day. For example, when a student completes an assessment on Monday, the score displays in the Cumulative Performance report on Tuesday.