Viewing a student's learning path lesson data in Imagine MyPath


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine MyPath
  • Imagine Purpose
  • Imagine Science Corner

As students make progress in their learning paths, Teachers and Administrators can view data on completed lessons using the Student Progress report. From there, you can see how much time students spent as well as how they answered questions within each activity. Having access to this data can help inform personalized instructional decisions for every student.


One of the ways that MyPath adapts to individual student proficiency levels is to assess their mastery multiple times within a lesson. If students pass one of the earlier mastery checks in a lesson, they are able to skip the remaining activities and move on to the next lesson in their learning path. As a result, some activities in a given lesson may not have any data because the student was able to skip them.

To view a student's lesson and activity data:

  1. Select a class.
  2. Click a student's name.
  3. Click a lesson title.
  4. The top portion of the page you are taken to shows details about the selected lesson and includes links to offline resources. On the right, a summary table shows data for each activity in the lesson, including the student's scores on mastery checks, total time spent, and when the student was last active.

    Beneath that, you can view each activity from the student's perspective and see how the student answered any questions that were posed. You are taken to the last question of the most recently completed mastery check by default. Use the numbers to navigate between questions (or slides) within the selected activity.

    Use the drop-down menu to navigate between activities within the selected lesson.


Questions the student answered correctly are indicated by a green checkmark, and the correct answer choice is outlined with green. A red X signifies an incorrect student response, with their choice outlined in red and the correct answer signified by a grey checkmark.