Teacher Resources: Locating printables, worksheets, and standards alignment documents in Imagine Math

Thousands of offline materials are available within Imagine Math, ranging from worksheets and posters to journaling templates and standards alignment documents. These resources can be used independently of the program to provide additional support and practice for students or to provide additional details on the program content to teachers and administrators. Many of the resources are available in both English and Spanish.

To locate printable materials:

  1. In the Content section of the left navigation bar, click Teacher Resources.


  2. In the page that opens, use one or more filters to search for/browse the available items. In the Resource and Description filters, type a search term, or use the Grade filter to select a specific grade level. You may also filter by Category as defined in the table below.mceclip1.png
    Category and Example Available Content
    Application Tasks
    STEM-focused, rigorous tasks designed to foster collaboration, meaningful discourse, and cross-disciplinary connections. Available for grades 3 and up.
    Bonus Classroom Activities
    Coloring pages; make your own ruler.
    Family Letters
    Letters to send home to describe what Imagine Math is and how it can be used at home.

    Live Teaching


    Instructions for students on how to access and chat with the Live Teachers, including sentence stems. Available in English and Spanish.
    Math Journaling
    For Imagine Math 3+ users, journaling masters for students and lesson plans for teachers. Available in English and Spanish.
    For each pathway, a PDF listing the units and lessons and their associated standards and standard descriptions.
    10 Steps to Getting Started posters and character posters to hang in your classroom.
    Over 2,000 worksheets for students and answer keys for teachers.


    The Table of Contents documents in this category contain links to both the student versions of the worksheets and the answer keys for teachers for each skill. Four versions of the Table of Contents are available: Common Core and TEKS for Grades PreK-2, and Common Core and TEKS for Grades 3+.

    Progress Trackers
    Student lesson trackers to promote student accountability for their work and progress; classroom trackers to visualize class progress toward the THINK 30 goal of 30 lessons passed for each student.
    Certificates of achievement and DIY sticker templates (to be printed on Avery 6450 1" round labels).
    Scope & Sequence
    For Imagine Math 3+, a PDF document listing all the available units, lessons, and a description of each lesson.
    Standards Alignments
    PDF documents detailing the state or Common Core standards and the lessons in Imagine Math that correspond to each standard.
    Vocabulary Lists

    Printable vocabulary flashcards designed to be cut out and folded along the dotted line so that one side of the card contains the term and the other side contains a definition and an example.
  3. From your search results, click the name of the resource to open it.
  4. Once the document opens, you may download and/or print it.


If you need additional printable resources, please visit the Quantile® Hub.