Enabling and testing a microphone in Google Chrome


This article applies to Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Español.

Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Español include activities in which students record themselves talking, singing, and reading. These activities allow students to practice language production and then review their recordings to check their progress.

In order to record activities, be sure that students have enabled their microphones. For instructions on how to enable a microphone in a Chrome browser, see this support article on the Google website

After a student has logged in and started an activity, you can test if their microphone has been enabled for use. 

To test a microphone:

  1. From an activity in the student program, click the Pause button. 


  2. Click Technical Details.


  3. Click Start Test. The bar should move as you speak, indicating that the microphone is enabled and working.


  4. If students are unable to record their activities, contact Product Support