This article applies to the following products:
- Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Español
- Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura
- Imagine Galileo K–12
- Imagine MyPath, Imagine Science Corner, Imagine Purpose
Administrators and Teachers can print student login cards for the groups (classes) or individual students under their purview. Administrators at more than 1 school can also print cards for an entire school.
When students have access to more than 1 product from the list in the top of this article, their login information will be the same for each product. Login cards include the URL that students use to access the program(s), their unique username, a place for you to write their password (if desired), and their school's site code.
The cards also contain a QR code that can be scanned with the device's camera to log in without a username and password. The first time they use the QR code, students may need to enable the camera to read QR codes. (For more information, see Logging in to the Literacy and MyPath suite.)
- For security reasons, student passwords do not print on the login cards. If you need to change/reset a student's password, follow the steps in Viewing, editing, and deleting student accounts. You will be unable to view the current password, but you can set a new one.
- Changing a student's username or password generates a new QR code, so be sure to print a new login card after changing a student's credentials. (A change in site code also causes the QR code to change. In the rare case that a student is moved from one organization/district to another, a new login card should also be printed if the student uses the QR code to log in.)
- Send family letters home with the login cards so parents and caregivers understand how to help students use the program(s) outside of school.
Imagine Language & Literacy | Imagine Español | Imagine Reading | Imagine Lectura | Imagine Galileo K-12 | Imagine MyPath | Imagine Purpose | Imagine Science Corner - More information for families is located in the Help for Families section of the Help Center.
To print login cards for a class/group:
Log in to the Product Portal and click Users & Classes/Groups.
- Click the Classes/Groups tab.
- Select 1 or more groups.
- Click the arrow in the Bulk Actions drop-down, then select Print Login Cards.
- Confirm you want to print by clicking Yes, Print Login Card(s).
If you've selected multiple classes and the same student is in more than 1 class, they will get a login card for each class. It will be the same card with the same information and the same QR code.
- Verify your printer settings and click Print.
To print login cards for individual students:
Log in to the Product Portal and click Users & Classes/Groups.
- Click the Students tab.
- Do one of the following:
Action Steps To print a card for only 1 student Click the 3 dots and choose Print Login Card.
To print for multiple students Click the checkboxes by the applicable students.
Then click the arrow in the Bulk Actions menu and select Print Login Cards. - Confirm your decision by clicking Print Login Card(s).
- Verify your printer settings and click Print.
To print login cards for an entire school:
Log in to the Product Portal and click Users & Classes/Groups.
- Click the Students tab.
- Open the Organizations filter and check the box of the applicable school.
- Click the Select All checkbox to the left of the Bulk Actions menu.
- Click the arrow to open the Bulk Actions menu; then select Print Login Cards.
- Confirm your decision by clicking Print Login Card(s).
- Verify your printer settings and click Print.