Preparing and Scheduling Imagine Galileo Grades K-12 Assessments

Teachers can use Imagine Galileo assessments to review a variety of student skills depending on the assessments being administered. The results are used to measure student growth over time and can also be used to guide instruction based on student progress on specific standards. 

To ensure the most accurate measurement of student capabilities, it is important to make sure students understand the purpose of the test and approach the test seriously. Sometimes students can become impatient and resort to guessing instead of reading passages or items. Encourage your students to take their time and do their best. Let them know that the test covers skills they will learn throughout the school year. Some questions may seem easy. Others may seem challenging. It's okay if they don't know all the answers. The purpose of the test is to help Teachers understand students' learning requirements. 

Tips to help students during their assessment include:  

  1. Review Student Accounts: As part of your preparation, review student accounts, groups, and product access, to ensure students are properly set up to take an assessment.
  2. Prepare your device or laptop hardware: Schedule a practice test for students and have them prepare the day before the practice assessment so they are familiar with the assessment.
  3. Split questions into more than one session: Distribute the questions by giving 10 questions the first day and 10 questions the next day.
  4. Simplify the login process: Use QR codes, Clever, and have the computer lab tech log students in before arriving to take the assessment. 

Scheduling Assessments

When scheduling Benchmark Assessments for all grades and subjects, Benchmark 1 is the initial test of the year for students, and Benchmark 3 is the final assessment. 


Categorical Growth reports will not populate if a benchmark is scheduled after the administration of Benchmark 3.

Up to 4 assessments can be administered for Grades K-1, and up to 5 assessments can be administered to Grades 2+. Therefore, for Grades K-1, Benchmark 1B and/or Benchmark 2 can be given after Benchmark 1 and before Benchmark 3. Similarly, for Grades 2+, Interim A and Interim B (in the specified sequence), and/or Benchmark 2, can be given to students after Benchmark 1 and before Benchmark 3.

Assessment Description

Benchmark Assessments

Imagine Galileo Benchmarks are pre-built comprehensive standardized assessments developed by the Imagine Learning Assessment Design and Research teams. These assessments are analyzed using state-of-the-art statistical procedures including Item Response Theory (IRT) techniques. They are designed to measure student achievement, growth, and progress toward grade-level or course-based standards mastery. Benchmarks are typically administered three times during each school year—beginning, middle, and end. Imagine Galileo Benchmarks are fixed-form assessments, which means all students see the same set of items.

Interim Assessments

Imagine Galileo's secure ELA and Math Interim Assessments offer convenience as standards-aligned, fixed-form assessments intended to provide up to two additional annual data points for instructional guidance on standards being measured. Administer these interims as needed in Grades 2-12 to report number and percent correct, and standards mastery data.

Formative Assessments

Imagine Galileo Formatives are less formal assessments designed for use in the classroom. Imagine Galileo includes pre-built Formatives, however, educators can also build their own.


The assessment naming convention is SCHOOLYEAR|GRADE|SUBJECT|TEST

Example: 2023-2024 Grade 10 ELA Benchmark 1 OR

2023-2024 Grade 10 ELA Interim A