Requesting an Imagine Galileo Benchmark Test Analysis

The Testing Activity report allows District Administrators to request a Benchmark test analysis from Imagine Galileo. The data from the analysis populates all the widgets on the dashboard—Categorical Growth Summary, Risk Level Summary, Student Growth and Achievement, and Benchmark Performance Levels (Developmental Level scores). 

To receive the advanced statistical data analysis of Benchmark Assessments, state data forecasting must first be input in Imagine Galileo. Then, to ensure the accuracy of the data analysis, Imagine Learning recommends that at least 80% of your students complete the test before the analysis request is made. 


Overscheduling the number of students that are expected to take the Benchmark skews the completion percentage. In the example below, if you schedule a test for 70 students but only 40 are required to complete the test, the test is actually ready for analysis (36 out of 40 is 90% complete) even though the participation rate shows 51% (36 out of 70 is 51% complete).

Once you are satisfied with the test completion rate, request an analysis of the test.

To request a test analysis:

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Reports > Monitoring > Testing Activity.


  3. Select All Schools in the School drop-down menu—the Analysis Request is only available with this selection. Optional: Filter the report by Test Grade or Student Grade

    Galileo_ Testing Activity_Allschools.png

  4. Select the applicable Date Range.

    Galileo_ Testing Activity_daterange.png

  5. Select Only include benchmark tests. (Formative tests cannot be analyzed.)

  6. Click Run Report.

  7. The Ready for Analysis section indicates if a test is ready for an Imagine Learning test analysis. A red exclamation point ( rExPoint.png ) indicates that test participation has not reached the recommended 80% completion rate; however, the test can still be selected.

    Click Ready For Analysis to submit a test for analysis.

  8. A gray check (gcheck.png ) appears after a test has been submitted to Imagine Learning for analysis.
  9. A successful analysis returns a Success message. Click OK.
    Within a few business days, your dashboard will update with the advanced statistical data.
  10. You will get an error if you have not yet submitted your state test data. Click the Submit State Test Page link to enter the data.
