Entering State Data for Forecasting in Imagine Galileo

Districts or individual schools that are utilizing Imagine Galileo’s Benchmark tests may choose to provide Imagine Learning information about student state test data. Imagine Learning recommends entering your state data shortly after you have finished rostering your students and before administering the first Benchmark test. District Administrators, School Administrators, and other District-level and School-level users can provide this information that will enhance select Imagine Galileo reports. Once provided, the Benchmark Performance Level and Risk Level reports can display cut scores on the benchmark tests and are set to correspond to the cut scores on the state standardized test. By importing state data for forecasting, your performance levels on the Benchmark Performance Level reports reflect the language of the levels on the state test and the risk levels in the Risk Level reports indicate a student’s risk of not demonstrating proficiency on the next state test. The state test data you are submitting must represent the set of students from your organization that will be taking Imagine Galileo assessments in the target grade levels and subjects. Consider the following when submitting test data:

  • If you represent a single school within an organization that is implementing Imagine Galileo beyond your school, the data must reflect your organization's set of students using Imagine Galileo, not just those at your school.
  • If Imagine Galileo tests will be administered only to a subgroup of students, such as English Language Learners or “students struggling with reading”, the submitted state test data must reflect that subpopulation


Imagine Learning uses the state test data that you are submitting to align Imagine Galileo performance level cut scores with the performance level cut scores on your state’s statewide assessment. This makes it possible for Imagine Galileo reports to forecast student performance on the state test. The procedures that are used in that alignment work evaluate the distribution of scores from both the state test and the Imagine Galileo assessment. In doing so, they assume that both sets of scores come from the same population (or subpopulation) of students. A mismatch between those populations could result in inaccurate forecasts of likely student performance on the target state test.


If there are tests that already have cut scores set to default levels, then after the organization representative uploads the state data into Imagine Galileo, please request a re-analysis of the tests that already have cut scores by sending the request to support@imaginelearning.com. Once the request is made, it can take up to two weeks for the changes to take place within the Imagine Galileo Dashboards and reports. All future assessments administered within the same school year are aligned with the state test data you provide.

To enter state data for forecasting

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Setup > Data Setup > Submit State Test Data.

  3. The performance levels that reflect the levels on the state test will appear. Before moving on, verify that these are correct. If they are not correct contact Imagine Learning at support@imaginelearning.com. If they are correct, click Accept Performance Levels.


  4. Enter your testing data. For each subject area, enter the percentage of students who placed in each performance level on the most recent state test.


    Only enter the percentages for the subset of students who are taking the Imagine Galileo benchmarks.

  5. Select the Subject area.


  6. Select Elementary and Middle School or High School. chooseEMSHSStateData.png
  7. Confirm which year you are entering State Test Data From. If it is from a different year, mark the checkbox.


  8. Enter the percentage of students who placed in each Performance Level (Novice, Apprentice, Proficient, Distinguished) for each grade level. The four percentage totals that you enter must equal 100%.


  9. Click Save.


  10. Repeat these steps for all other subjects for which you want to enter state data.


    Currently, the Submit State Test Data page does not support entering aggregate data regarding districts' college prep ACT or SAT performance levels. To provide Imagine Learning with your district's ACT or SAT data, access the spreadsheet and select the appropriate tab to complete the information. Once you have completed the spreadsheet, email it to support@imaginelearning.com. Historically, the ACT and/or SAT have been given to only college-bound students. It is important to submit state test data that is reflective of the population of students who will take both the College Prep state assessments and the Imagine Galileo College Prep Benchmarks.