Overview of the Cumulative Standards Proficiency report in Imagine MyPath

The Cumulative Standards Proficiency report in Imagine MyPath provides Teachers and Administrators with a comprehensive view of their students' mastery of grade-level state standards. The report uses student performance data from mastery checks, providing you with a clear and accurate picture of your students' standards proficiency levels. This enables you to easily identify skill gaps, tailor instruction, and support student learning. Since the report uses data from students' individualized learning paths (ILPs), it includes data from all students with active ILPs in MyPath Math and Reading, regardless of what benchmark assessment was used or what method was used to assign students' placement grades.

The report features:

After reading this article, additional information about the different levels of the Cumulative Standards Proficiency report can be found in these articles:


The screenshots in this article show Common Core domains and standards, but the domains and standards that appear to you will be specific to the state where your school or district is located. For example, if your district is in Texas, you will see TEKS standards; if your district is in Florida, you will see Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards.

Multiple reporting levels

The report is available at the district, school, class, and student levels. The levels you have access to depend on your user type. Refer to this table to see what levels each user type can access.

  Report Level
User Type District School Class Student
District Administrator X X X X
School Administrator   X X X
Teacher     X X

The district and school levels enable Administrators to identify inter- and intra-organizational trends related to students' standards proficiency levels.

  • District report: 
    Shows district-wide trends in student performance and can display either school- or grade-level data. Here is an example of a School view with each school listed.
  • School report: 
    Shows school-wide trends in student performance and can display either class- or grade-level data. Here is an example of a Class view with each class listed.

The class and student levels make it easy for Teachers and Administrators to identify specific standards that students in their classes are struggling to master.

  • Class report: 
    Provides class-level average scores as well as indicators of each student's proficiency levels.
  • Student report: 
    Displays detailed information on individual student performance, including average scores per standard and access to lesson-level data.

Understanding the filters

Regardless of which report level you are viewing, you can use filters in the upper left corner to change what data is displayed in the report. The selections you make will persist if you navigate away or if you log out and come back to the report later.

Click here for descriptions of the district, school, and class report filters.
Filter Description
Subject You can select either Math or Reading. Students must have an active learning path in the selected subject in order for their data to be displayed on the report. Math is the default subject.
Rostered Grade This is the enrolled grade level of the students appearing in the report. The default is All, but you can select a specific grade to filter the data that appears. Since the report only displays standards from one grade level at a time, it may be helpful to choose a particular rostered grade when evaluating standards proficiencies of students in mixed-grade classes or across multiple schools.
View Standards by Grade

This filter determines the grade level of the domains/standards that appear in the report. The default grade is the lowest grade-level standard that appears in a student's learning path. The maximum grade option available corresponds to the highest grade-level standard that appears in a student's learning path. For example, if you are viewing data for students in grades 3–5 and see grades K–6 as options, then there are students who have K-level standards in their learning paths up through Grade 6 standards.

Selecting different grades enables you to view students' proficiency on standards at various grade levels. For example, if students are known to have placement grades below their rostered grade level, choosing other grade levels helps you identify the students struggling to achieve grade-level proficiency and pinpoint the standards where the most support is needed. In the screenshot above, the students are rostered to Grade 6, but the report is displaying their proficiency on Grade 3 domains/standards. You can see that the first student listed has emerging and developing proficiencies in several domains, which suggests that they may need additional support to achieve grade-level mastery.

Click here for descriptions of the student report filters.
Filter Description
Subject You can select either Math or Reading. As with the other report levels, students must have an active learning path in the selected subject in order for their data to be displayed on the report. Math is the default subject.
Student This allows you to easily view other students' proficiency data without needing to return to the class-level report. Other students in the selected class with active ILPs in the selected subject will appear in the dropdown list.
View Standards by Grade

This filter determines the grade level of the domains/standards that appear in the report. It functions the same way as it does on the district, school, and class reports.

Understanding the colors and symbols

The same colors and symbols are used in each level of the report. In the upper right, a key defines the colors and symbols that indicate your students' proficiency levels and completion statuses. If desired, click Hide Key to remove the key from view. Refer to the table below for a description of the different colors and symbols used in the report.

Color/Symbol Description
spr-red-circle.png Red Emerging proficiency with a cumulative standard/domain score of 0-39%.
spr-orange-circle.png Orange Developing proficiency with a cumulative standard/domain score of 40-59%.
spr-yellow-circle.png Yellow Approaching proficiency with a cumulative standard/domain score of 60-79%.
spr-green-circle.png Green Proficient with a cumulative standard/domain score of 80-100%.
spr-not-assigned.png This standard/domain is currently not assigned to students in their learning paths.
spr-not-started.png This standard/domain is in a student's learning path, but they have not yet started a mastery check that covers this standard/domain.
spr-path-instruction-complete.png The student(s) have completed all mastery checks currently covering this standard/domain in their learning paths.

Understanding the report layout 

All report levels have expandable and collapsible elements that allow you to view domain-level or standard-level proficiency data. 

On the district, school, and class reports, domains are organized horizontally into expandable columns. The columns are all collapsed by default, showing only domain-level data. You must expand the columns to view standard-level data.

  • Collapsed view:
    Here is a screenshot of a class-level report with the class's average scores displayed for each domain, along with symbols that indicate each student's domain proficiency levels. On the district and school reports, average scores are displayed instead of symbols. Click a plus sign in a column header to view standard-level data for a domain, or click Expand Domains to expand all columns.
  • Expanded view:
    Standard-level data becomes visible under the expanded view. Only the standards that have been assigned to students within a given domain will appear. Click a minus sign in a column header or Collapse Domains to return to a collapsed view.

On the student-level report, domains are organized vertically into sections. The domains are in an expanded view by default, allowing you to view a student's domain- and standard-level data simultaneously. 

  • Expanded View:
    Each standard that has been assigned to the student appears under its respective domain, along with descriptions of each standard and standard-specific data points. The displayed data includes the student's average score on mastery checks, the ratio of lessons completed to those assigned that pertain to a given standard, and a symbol that indicates the student's proficiency and completion status. Click Collapse Domains to collapse all sections, or click an arrow in a domain header to collapse a single section.
  • Collapsed View:
    The domain-level data here is also visible under the expanded view but is more easily evaluated when collapsed. Click Expand Domains to return to the expanded view or an arrow in a domain header to expand a single section.


Click the up and down arrows in any column to sort the data. Also, if the full name of a domain isn't visible, hover over it with your mouse to make the full name appear in a popup.

Exporting the report as a CSV file

When viewing the report from the district, school, and class levels, you can download the report as a CSV by clicking the cloud icon in the upper right corner of the report.