Student experience in the Grades K–2 Imagine Español Benchmark test


Because the purpose of the tests and the types of data they collect differ, the student experience in the Imagine Español Benchmark test is markedly different from the student experience in the Imagine Español Placement test

Students take the Imagine Español Benchmark test 3 times per year to demonstrate their knowledge of grade-level Spanish content. 

For students in Grades K–2, headphones are required for this test because each question and its answer choices are automatically read aloud for all question types. In addition, for the reading comprehension questions, students can choose to listen to the reading passages upon which the questions are based. 

Each test contains 30 questions (Grades K and 1) or 35 questions (Grade 2) and can be completed over the course of 1 or more sessions. Students should save their work and come back later to avoid test fatigue. We recommend having students work on the test in 20-minute intervals.


  • For students in Grades K–5, the Benchmark test is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. However, PreK students do not take the Benchmark test
  • Students should not receive any assistance while taking the Benchmark test. Helping students during an assessment can cause their scores to be inflated. 
  • Even if students have the Language Support: Español field set to English in their student profile, the Benchmark will be delivered entirely in Spanish.
  • Reminder: Brand-new IE students will also take the Placement test after they complete their first Benchmark.

To take the Imagine Español Benchmark (instructions for students):

    1. Log in to Imagine Español. When it is time for you to take a Benchmark, it will open for you automatically.
    2. In the Instructions window, click Comenzar
      IE student instructions Spanish.png
    3. The test opens to the first question. The question and the answer choices will be read out loud; click the Play button (purple triangle) if you want to listen again or if you want the reading passage to also be read aloud. For each question, click on the answer you think is right and then click IR at the bottom of the page. 
      first question IE.png

      Questions you've already answered are purple and the question you are currently on is white. You can also jump directly to a specific question by clicking the question number at the bottom of the page. 
      bottom status bar IE K–2.png

      Some questions, like the first one shown above, are reading passages. Other questions test your vocabulary
      Still other questions ask about the syllables in a word and require you to listen to the audio in order to answer. These are just a few types of the questions you will see.
    4. When you click IR on the last question, a pop-up window opens and asks if you are done. Click
      ya terminaste.png 
    5. Click TERMINAR
    6. Once you finish the test, you are taken to your list of products. Click the Español tile if you want to continue working in Imagine Español, or Log Out if you are done working for the day.
      done working.png

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Click on a question to view its answer.

How do I save my work and come back later?
Click the X at the top of the page. You won't lose any work or have to redo any questions. 
red x to exit.png
Can I get any help in English (or any other language) if Spanish is not my first language?
No, because the goal of the test is to assess grade-level abilities in Spanish.
Can I see my score?
Scores do not display for students, but Teachers and Administrators can view student results in the Imagine Español Growth report.