Assigning the Summer Bridge pathway in Imagine Math 3+

Imagine Learning encourages you to assign the Imagine Math Summer Bridge pathway to all your students over the summer, regardless of whether they are using Imagine Math 3+ at home or enrolled in summer school. Summer Bridge pathways are aligned with Common Core and state standards and review key math skills for students' current grade level.


Rising third graders must first be assigned to the Imagine Math 3+ environment before assigning them the Summer Pathway: Entering Gr3 pathway.

To assign a Summer Bridge pathway:

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.

  2. In the Management portion of the left navigation bar, click Classrooms.


  3. In the applicable class, click Current Students.


  4. Click the box next to the name of the student(s) to whom you want to assign a pathway. Or, if you want to assign the pathway to all students, check the box to the left of the First Name header. Click *Assign Pathway to assign the Summer Bridge pathway as an additional pathway and keep any remaining pathways. Click Switch Pathway if you want to replace a student's existing pathway with the summer pathway.

  5. Choose the grade level that your selected students will enter after the summer.


  6. Make a selection from the Pathway Type drop-down menu. Your choices will vary depending on the state in which you teach. 


  7. Use the radio button to select the Summer Pathway


  8. At the bottom of the page, click Enroll.


  9. You'll receive a confirmation message that you've successfully enrolled your students.



If the summer pathway is assigned in addition to other pathways, students will see multiple pathways upon their next login. You must let students know which pathway you want them to choose. We recommend that students finish the pathway for their current grade level before they start the summer pathway.
