Understanding the Resource Center in MyPath


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine MyPath
  • Imagine Purpose
  • Imagine Science Corner

Teachers and Administrators can access the Resource Center from any page in the products listed above. From there, you can view information about the latest product updates, access the Help Center, view webinars and videos in the Customer Learning Library, and contact Imagine Learning to request assistance.

To access the Resource Center:

  1. Log in to the MyPath suite
  2. Click the question mark in the bottom left corner of the screen to open the Resource Center.


    If you see a number in a red circle, that indicates the number of updates you haven't seen yet. The alert will go away after you've viewed the information.

  3. The Resource Center opens similarly to what is shown below. Click on a section to be taken to more information.

    The sections that appear in the Resource Center depend on the product you're in as well as the latest developments within that product. The table below provides descriptions of the various sections.
    Section Name and Description Example

    What's New

    The latest news such as announcements, new functionality, contests, and contest winners.

    This section is only available in the Resource Center when specific information is being showcased; it may appear for some products but not all. Once an announcement expires, the What's New section is temporarily removed from the Resource Center until a new announcement is published.

    Product Highlights

    Tips, overview videos, and product tours to help you explore the product.

    This section is only available in the Resource Center when specific features are being explained; it may appear for some products but not all.

    Example from Imagine Reading: 

    Educator Onboarding

    Guided walk-throughs to show you the most essential information related to specific stages of the school year. Click on the name of a guide to get started; as you complete each module, a green checkmark helps you track your progress.

    You can revisit completed walk-throughs later if you need to refresh your memory.

    This section of the Resource Center may appear at some times but not others. It may also be role-dependent.

    Help Center

    Access articles in the Help Center for program information and additional program assistance. 


    Some articles are locked and can only be accessed by first logging in to MyPath and accessing the Help Center through the Resource Center.

    Customer Learning Library

    A place to access on-demand training, find Getting Started checklists, and explore Professional Learning webinars. No login required.

    This section is always available for all products.

    customer learning library.png

    Product Support

    A place to request assistance from our dedicated Product Support team. Choose between Live Chat, phone support, or email.

    This section is always available for all products.