Deleting a Library in Imagine Galileo

Once you or another member of your organization has created a library, the library can be deleted by anyone with appropriate permissions.


A library must be empty before you can delete it. If the library you are trying to delete is not empty, you will need to either delete the content of the library or move the library's contents to a different library before you can delete it.


Deleted libraries cannot be recovered.

To delete a library

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Setup > Library Builder.

  3. Use the drop-down boxes to search for the applicable library to edit. You can search for a library by school, class, and Library type.  


  4. You can scroll through the list of libraries or use the search box to find the applicable text. Once you have located the library, click Delete ( trashIcon.png ).chooseTestDelete.png
  5. You'll receive a message. 
    Message Description
    libraryNotEmpty.png Message received if the library you are trying to delete is not empty. You will need to either delete the content of the library or move the library's contents to a different library before deleting. Click OK to return to the library index. 
    conformationDelete.png This message confirms the library will be deleted and unable to be recovered.