Imagine Robotify Usage reports show district, school, class, or student-level data via a series of 8 graphs:
- Daily Active Users
- Monthly Active Users
- Daily Users Active Hours
- Projects Created
- Total Challenges Attempted
- Successful Challenge Attempts
- Compete Matches Started
- Average Usage Time
Teachers and Administrators can run the reports for the time period they specify, and can download (and then print) the results for each graph separately or for all 8 graphs together.
The usage reports update in real-time.
To access Usage reports:
- Log in to Imagine Robotify.
- Select Educator Home, then Usage Reports in the left navigation menu.
- Use the calendar icon to select the start date (required) and an optional end date for the data that will display in the report. If you leave the end date blank, the report will pull data up to and including today.
- Optional: Use the Classroom Filter to narrow your data to specific classroom(s). In the Classroom filter, you can select All Classrooms or you can use the radio buttons to select 1 or more individual classrooms.
School administrators will have an additional School Filter, from which you can select All Schools or 1 or more individual schools.
- Optional: Click into the Student Filter and type at least three characters of a student's username to run the report for a specific student. You can select 1 or multiple students.
- Click Generate Report.
Small reports generate right away and you will receive a notification at the bottom of your screen that the report ran successfully.
Due to their large size, reports for All Schools or All Classrooms will take some time to generate; you will be asked to type a name for the report and click Generate Report in the pop-up window.
While a large report processes, a red flag displays next to the report title and the Status column displays Processing.
You don't need to stay on this page and wait for the report to process because you will receive a notification when your report is ready. Once the report finishes processing, the flag turns green and the status changes to Ready. - Small reports automatically display at the bottom of the page; scroll down to view. To view reports that needed to be processed, click View Report.
- The Statistics section at the top of the report shows summary information for Total registered students, Total challenges solved, and Total Classrooms.
- Scroll to view the 8 graphs at the bottom of the screen. Hover your mouse pointer over the red circles to view details. There is a red circle on the graph for each data point in the time frame you selected. The first graph, Daily Active Users, also has forward and backward arrows for you to scroll through the months.
Here is a description of each graph:
Report Description Daily Active Users The total number of students using Imagine Robotify each day. This graph defaults to the current month and you can use the forward and backward arrows to view other months. Monthly Active Users The total number of students using Imagine Robotify each month. Daily Users Active Hours The total number of hours per day spent on Imagine Robotify by all users in your report. Projects Created The total number of projects created by the students in your report; tracks data for usage of the CREATE framework. Total Challenges Attempted The total count of challenges attempted by the students in your report; tracks data for usage of the LEARN framework. Successful Challenge Attempts The total count of challenges completed by the students in your report; tracks data for usage of the LEARN framework. Compete Matches Started The total count of competitions joined by the students in your report; tracks data for usage of the COMPETE framework. Average Usage Time Average weekly and daily usage time in hours for each classroom in your report. Red dots show weekly averages and blue dots show daily averages. - To save your report to this page, choose 1 of the options below. You can save up to 12 reports on the page. Saving the report to the page allows you to come back to the report at any time and view the graphs again.
If you ran a report for All Classes or All Schools: Click Save in the row for that report. Note
If you don't save the report, the report will automatically be deleted from the page in 7 days.
You ran a report for individual classroom(s) or student(s) Click Save underneath the Statistics section at the top of the report.
- You can also download the data in the report to your computer in an Excel file. The graphs will not display in the report, but there will be a row in the file for each data point that was on a graph. After downloading the report, you can also print the file from your browser if you'd like.
To save the report data to your computer, do one of the following:To download/print all 8 sections of the report Click Download all Reports Data via Excel. The button is directly underneath the Statistics section and above the first graph in the report.
In the Excel file, data from each graph opens on a separate tab.To download/print an individual section Click Download Report via CSV at the top of the applicable graph.
There will be a row in the file for each data point that was on the graph.