Viewing student progress on Imagine Robotify assignments

In the Assignments section of the Imagine Robotify dashboard, Teachers and Administrators can assign challenges to classes or students and then view student progress toward challenge completion. 

To view students' progress in their assignments: 

  1. Log in to Imagine Robotify.
  2. Select Assignments on the left menu.

  3. The Assignments page opens with a section for Upcoming assignments (assignments in progress) and Past assignments (if applicable). Click Details on an assignment to view additional information.
  4. At the top of the screen, you'll see high-level metrics for the number of students who have

    • Not started the assignment

    • Started but completed less than 50%

    • Started and completed more than 50%

    • Completed the entire assignment

    Below this data, you'll see a row of data for each student showing how many challenges they completed, the overall status of the assignment (complete or incomplete), and when the most recent challenge was finished.  If a student has not started the assignment yet, the Last submission update column says No submission.