Accessing the course-specific Imagine Robotify Educator Resources

Items in Educator Resources enhance your experience using Imagine Robotify. The course-specific resources include curriculum maps, lesson plans, and slides with speaker notes

To access the course-specific Educator Resources: 

  1. Log in to Imagine Robotify.
  2. Select Educator Home, then Educator Resources on the left menu.

    At the top of the page, your courses display.
  3. Optional: Use the Search box to quickly find a particular course or resource.

  4. Click a course's dropdown arrow to view its list of resources.

    The table below explains what you may find for each course.
    Section Description

    Student Guide and Educator Guide.

    The Student Guide contains lesson objectives and worksheets.

    The Educator Guide contains lesson plans, an instructional model, differentiation suggestions, extension activities, and more. The Educator Guide takes the place of Lesson Plans in some courses.

    Curriculum Maps

    The curriculum maps show how a given course may fit your needs, and they enable you to modify or pick and choose courses, lessons, or task sets as needed. The maps show how the main goals of a course are met and filter into the lesson plan goals and other resources. They help you address the concerns of stakeholders such as students, parents, school administrators, and local and national education officials. The maps provide details on how each lesson plan and its associated courseware address particular standards like the CSTA standards or the Australian digital technology achievement standards.

    If your system isn't listed, you can use the curriculum maps provided to create what you need.

    Lesson Plans

    The lesson plans integrate the coding content found in the courses with discussion points and non-code activities. These can be used as-is or modified to suit your class.

    The lesson plans include details about differentiation so you can customize your teaching to match your students' abilities and learning styles.



    Slideshows are provided in PPTX and PDF formats. You can download and modify them to serve as presentations, cheat sheets for students, or visual materials.


    Teacher summaries are one-page references for each lesson plan that are particularly useful if you are teaching coding for the first time and want to have a quick activity reference on-hand in the classroom.


    Non-code worksheets and handouts that support many activities in the example Lesson Plans and allow students to engage with activities that don’t require a screen.


    Fillable certificates you can award to students for course completion.


Check out the noncourse-specific resources also available in Educator Resources, such as state alignments, project resources, posters, and more.