The My Classrooms page enables District Administrators to view information for the schools in their district and Teachers to manage their classrooms. What users see when they log in depends on whether they are logged in as a District Administrator, School Administrator, or Teacher. Educators gain a brief overview of their students' task completion, can reset passwords, unenroll students from a class and add students to a class. Once your class is created and students added to it, you can track student progress in Student Analytics.
To access the My Classrooms page:
- Log in to Imagine Robotify.
- Select Educator Home, then My Classrooms on the left menu.
- The Classroom Hub displays in the My Classrooms section. View class information, such as the name, grade, join code, and number of students. Click more options (
) to sync classes.
Click Student Analytics to see how students are progressing and what they're accomplishing.
- Click Manage Classroom to add students, reset passwords, edit a class, or delete a class.