Viewing student activities and answers in a learning path lesson


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine MyPath
  • Imagine Purpose
  • Imagine Science Corner

Educators have the ability to review the activities within a lesson, including student answers if they have completed the assignment. However, when students pass a Mastery Check, they automatically progress to the next lesson without completing the remaining activities in the current lesson. As a result, no student responses will be displayed for those remaining activities.

Available activities:

    • Three Mastery Checks
    • Instruction 
    • Supported Practice
    • Independent Practice 

To view student activities and answers in a lesson:

Log in to the Imagine Mypath suite.

Teachers School Admins (One School) School Admins (2+ Schools), District Admins

Click the applicable class on the Classes screen. 
teacher class_left navHL.png

Continue with the following: 

  1. Select a student's name.
  2. Click the lesson title.
  3. Click the Mastery Check drop-down list and choose an activity.
  4. The question and the corresponding student answer will display.