This page shows how an individual student is doing. Scores, completion dates, specific assessment responses, and a preview of learning activities along with additional printable resources can all be seen from here.
To follow the steps listed below, you will need to be logged in with a Teacher account.
- Click the Courses & Assignments tab.
- Select Class Progress.
- To view the class progress for a single student, click the + symbol next to the class name to expand the list of students. Then click the name of the student.
- Select Details of the assignment to view.
- In the Details panel, to view the content of a task in the assignment, select the name of that task.
- To view the student's answers to an activity quiz, lesson quiz, or chapter within the assignment, click the score next to the quiz or test.
- The assessment will open in a new window. An educator can see if the answer was marked correct or incorrect, but will not see the correct answer to a question that was answered incorrectly. For a hardcopy, an educator can click Print.
- If the assessment was a Diagnostic Pre-Test, clicking the score will display a list of standards mastered and not mastered in an Objective-based Test Summary. To learn how to run the report, click here.