Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura are being retired on September 1, 2024. Learn more at Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura end-of-life recommendations.
Teachers and Administrators can use the Performance Summary report to view roll-up data for student performance across all passages combined.
The report shows each student's average and most recent reading comprehension scores, the number of incomplete (or unfinished) passages, the number of ungraded written responses, and the average amount of usage time each student has spent in their passages.
The Performance Summary report shows both auto-graded and written response scores. Auto-graded responses are graded by the program; written responses must be teacher-graded. The scores are color-coded to show whether your class and students are proficient, approaching proficiency, or developing proficiency. Throughout the report, the following key is used:
Teachers and Administrators can view the report at a group or individual level for all their assigned students, and the report updates every time a student answers an auto-graded question or a teacher grades a written response.
The Performance Summary report only includes scores for passages that students have completed. If a student is still working on a passage, their scores are not included in the report until the passage is fully complete.
To view the Performance Summary report:
- Log in to Imagine Reading or Imagine Lectura.
- If you have more than one group, select a group.
- Click Reports in the upper navigation bar.
The report opens on the Summary tab with the group (class) roll-up data as the header row of the report, highlighted in gray. Underneath the header is a row for each student.
If desired, use the column header up/down (
) arrows to sort the data in the columns by ascending or descending order. The columns for each student are as follows:
Column Description Name The name of the student.
Average Auto-graded Score The student's average score for any auto-graded questions they've answered, and the number of passages they've completed. Scores are color-coded according to this key:
Most Recent Auto-graded Score The student's score on the most recent auto-graded question and the passage where the question is located. Average Written Response Score The student's average score for all the written responses that a teacher has graded, and the number of passages they've completed. Scores are color-coded according to this key: Most Recent Written Response Score The sum of the written response scores from the last passage that was scored by the teacher. For example, if there's only 1 written response item worth 3 points and the student received full credit, then you'll see "3/3 points". If there are 2 written response questions, and the student received 0/1 on the first response and 3/3 on the second response, then you'll see "3/4 points".
Scores are color-coded according to this key:
Ungraded Written Responses The number of written responses that a student has submitted that the teacher hasn't graded yet. Incomplete Passages The number of passages that the student has started, but not yet completed.
This column shows Caution (
) next to the number of incomplete passages if a student has more than 1 incomplete passage in progress.
Average Time Per Passage The average time that the student spent on each passage. - To view the Performance Summary report for a different group, click the Group drop-down list and select the group, or click the < > arrows.
- Click the name of a student to drill down to the student-level report.
- The student-level report opens with three sections.
- The Performance Summary displays the same information as the group-level report; see step 4 for an explanation of each column.
- The Passages in Progress section displays all passages on which the student is currently working. Click any passage title to be taken to that passage.
- The Passages with Ungraded Items section shows you where you need to grade responses for that student. Click the passage name to be taken to the Grading page for that passage.
- Click the arrows or select another student's name in the drop-down list to navigate to another student's report.
Recommended Next Step
Dig into your students' data in more detail by viewing the Passage Scores report.