Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura are being retired on September 1, 2024. Learn more at Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura end-of-life recommendations.
This article applies to Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura. The screenshots are from Imagine Reading unless otherwise noted.
Administrators and Teachers can print offline teacher materials to prepare for the Power Sentence Lesson and the Discussion Questions, as well as student materials that help students complete Power Sentence Lessons and the Synthesis Project.
Materials from the Passage Overview page
From the passage's summary page, you can print:
- The Power Sentence Lesson Plan to prepare for Power Sentence lessons. The plan is unique to each unit.
- The reading passage itself
- The unit's Discussion Questions (this includes the Focus Question as well as a few questions specific to each passage in the unit)
- Imagine Lectura only: The unit's Dictado Lesson Plan. The plan is unique to each unit.
To print materials from the Passage Overview page:
- Log in to Imagine Reading or Imagine Lectura.
Click Unit Library in the upper navigation bar.
- Select a unit.
- In the left navigation pane, click the name of the reading passage.
- Click Print Power Sentence Lesson Plan, Print Reading Passage, or All Unit Discussion Questions.
In Imagine Lectura, section 3 of the Passage Overview page contains the Print Dictado Lesson Plan button.
- Print the resource from your browser.
Power Sentence Printout
The Power Sentence Printout helps students deconstruct the Power Sentence into sentence chunks, uncovering meaning and subtleties within the Power Sentence.
To print the Power Sentence printout:
- From within a unit, expand a passage in the left navigation pane and then click Power Sentence Lesson.
- In the Student Print Materials section, click Power Sentence Printout.
- The sentence chunks open; click the printer icon to print them from your browser.
Synthesis project resources
From the passage's Synthesis project section, you can print:
- The unit's Discussion Questions (this includes the Focus Question as well as a few questions specific to each passage in the unit)
- The Project Protocol—an explanation of the Synthesis discussion and Synthesis project for teachers
- The Student Synthesis Discussion & Project Checklist—a checklist for students as they prepare their work at the end of the unit
The Discussion Questions are specific to the passage. The Project Protocol and the Project Checklist are the same for all units.
To print the Synthesis project materials:
- From within a unit, scroll to Step 3: Synthesis Project in the left navigation pane and select a resource.
Print the applicable resource from your browser.