Printing student login cards in the Literacy and MyPath suite


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine Language & Literacy
  • Imagine Español
  • Imagine Reading
  • Imagine Lectura
  • Imagine Galileo K-12
  • Imagine MyPath, Imagine Science Corner, Imagine Purpose

Administrators and Teachers can print student login cards for their groups (classes) or individual students. Login cards include the URL that students use to access the program(s), their unique username, a place for you to write their password (if desired), and their school's site code.

The cards also contain a QR code that can be swiped across a device's camera to log in without a username and password. The first time you swipe a login card with a QR code on it, your browser will confirm that you want to enable the camera to read QR codes. (For more information, see Logging in to the Literacy and MyPath suite.)


You must use Chrome as your web browser to successfully print login cards with QR codes. If you are using another web browser, you can print student credentials (but not QR codes) on the login cards.


Printing Group Login Cards Printing Individual Login Cards 

To print login cards for a group:

  1. Log in to the Literacy and MyPath suite.
  2. Click Manage Groups.
  3. Select one or more groups, then click Print Login Cards.

  4. Verify your printer settings and click Print.


    Login cards are ordered on the page alphabetically by student's last name except for users with names or usernames longer than what fits on the standard card size. Any students with information that would be cut off on a regularly sized card will instead receive a custom-sized card at the end of the document. Before cutting cards en masse with a paper cutter, check for differently-sized cards on the last few pages.