This article applies to the following products:
- Imagine Language & Literacy
- Imagine Español
Groups are required to track individual and collective student performance and usage, and each student must be assigned to at least 1 group in order for you to view their data.
Usually, assigning students to a group is done as part of the initial rostering process when new student accounts are created, and can be done by Teachers or Administrators. However, if an active student (one with at least 1 minute of usage time) is not assigned to a group, District Administrators and School Administrators receive a notification in their organization-level Usage report as well as the top right of the educator dashboard:
Clicking the Unassigned Active Students link allows you to download a CSV file of active students in your organization who are not currently assigned to a group.
Both Teachers and Administrators can assign students to groups. There are 2 ways to do so—manually or in bulk via file upload. In the manual process, you must work on each group separately. With the file upload, you can add students to different groups in the same file.
Click on the applicable tab to view the instructions.
To assign unassigned students to a group:
- Log in to the Product Portal.
- Click Users & Classes/Groups.
- Go to the Students tab.
- If you already know which students need to be assigned to a group, skip to step 6. Otherwise, click the down arrow to open the Classes/Groups filter.
- Check the box by No Classes/Groups. This will give you a list of all students (active and inactive) under your purview who are not assigned to a group.
If you know that they will not be logging in and using the program, delete inactive unassigned students rather than assigning them to a group.
- Use the checkboxes to select all the applicable student(s) that should be assigned to a particular group, then click Assign to Group.
In most cases, if your school is using automated rostering, you should make the edits in your SIS and the edits will be reflected in the product in the next sync.
- Do one of the following.
Action Steps To assign students to an existing group Click the arrow by Bulk Actions and then select Bulk Edit.
Click into the Classes/Groups field to bring up the list of available classes. Non-synced students may only be added to non-synced classes.Check the box by the applicable class, then click Save.
Click Start Processing.To add students to a brand-new group First, create a new group. Then, follow the steps in the row above.
- Repeat the process for each group to which students should be assigned.
- Log in to Imagine Language & Literacy.
- Do one of the following:
Use Case Steps You want to start with the CSV file of applicable students from the Unassigned Active Students link on your dashboard (Administrators only). A. Select a school or group from the bottom of your Home page. B. In the dashboard, click Unassigned Active Students.
C. Click Download CSV.
D. Fill out the Student ID, Password, and Classes/Groups columns.Note
Essentially you will be creating new passwords for these students, as there is not a way for educators to view students' current passwords.
E. Upload the file by following the instructions in Self-rostering accounts through bulk import. Skip steps 4 and 5 as you will have already done them.
You will be preparing a CSV file yourself (Teachers and Administrators). Follow the instructions in Downloading and filling out your bulk-import files.