Finding your student's Site Code


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine Language & Literacy, Imagine Español, Imagine Reading, and Imagine Lectura
  • Imagine Galileo K–12
  • Imagine MyPath, Imagine Science Corner, and Imagine Purpose
  • Imagine Robotify

What is a Site Code?

Each school or district has a unique Imagine Learning Site Code to distinguish it from other Imagine Learning schools or districts. Most Site Codes are determined by the first seven digits of the school or district's National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) number. Private schools receive a custom Site Code from an Imagine Learning representative.

Why do I need a Site Code?

Your student's Site Code is a necessary part of their login authentication process. In other words, students must have their Site Code, in addition to their username and password, in order to log in to the Imagine Learning products listed above. For more information, see Logging in to the Literacy and MyPath Suite and Logging in to the Math Suite.

Teachers and Administrators do not need a Site Code to log in to educator portals, but students do. This article helps you find your student's Site Code—whether you're a student, educator, or family member at home. Click on the appropriate tab below to get started.

Students Educators Families at home

Students can find their Site Code on their student Login Card (for Literacy and MyPath suite users) or Start Card (for Math suite users).

Teachers print Login Cards and Start Cards to distribute to their students. The Site Code appears with your login information and is included within the QR code:

olivia login card.png

Imagine Robotify students can find their Site Code by asking their teacher or by clicking View Site Code in the top right portion of the Robotify Home page.
robotify site code.png The Site Code displays in the window that opens.
robotify site code 2.png