Exporting your rostering data to a CSV file


This article applies to the following products:

  • Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Español
  • Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura
  • Imagine Galileo K–12
  • Imagine MyPath, Imagine Science, Imagine Purpose 

Teachers and Administrators can export rostering data for their associated students and classes/groups.

Administrators have the additional ability to export data for educators.

Exporting data provides you with a printable roster of your current accounts. You can also use the exported files to update existing accounts during the school year. After exporting the current data, you can make changes in the exported file, save it, and then import it to make bulk edits within the Imagine Learning portal. 

You can update students' basic account information as well as change their product access or edit their product settings. 

To export rostering data:

  1. Log in to the Imagine Learning portal.
  2. Click Users & Classes/Groups in the Product Portal


    You may have access to different products than what displays in the screen shot above. 

  3. Click on the applicable tab at the top of the page -- Educators, Students, or Classes/Groups.
    all tabs.png


    If you want to print a class/group roster, go to the Students tab and then use the filters to select the applicable class/group.

  4. If desired, use the filters on the left to search for and display specific types of entities. For example, in the Students tab, you can use the Grade Level filter to reduce the list to only your Kindergarten students.
    kinder only.png
  5. Use the checkboxes to select 1 or more entities. You can select the entire list of entities by checking the box to the left of the Bulk Actions menu.
    all students.png
  6. Click Export.
    click export students 2.png
  7. A window opens with a list of Required Columns and Optional Columns for the type of account you are exporting. The Required Columns will automatically appear in your export file; the Optional Columns will only be included if you select them.
  8. In the Optional Columns section, select any optional fields that you would like to add to the file. Hovering over most optional fields will provide more information about the data point.
    hover over optional column.png
    Click on an entity type for more information.
    Educators (Administrators only)
    Educators: Optional columns are available for External Assigned ID and Classes/Groups. 
    export educators 2.png
    Students: Several optional columns are available for student demographics, test settings, and more. You can also edit each students' product settings by turning the toggle next to each product to ON and then selecting/deselecting the settings for that product. The product settings include session time and language/text-to-speech settings.


    • Only the products that your district has purchased will be available to turn on, so your view may be different from the image below.
    • In the exported file, the password column will always be empty for security reasons. The column is included in the file if you wish to change the students' passwords. You can do so by filling out the password column and then importing the file.
    pill capsule ON for product settings.png
    Classes/Groups: The External Assigned ID is optional; it is an identifier your organization can use for the class or group. 
    export classes groups 2.png
  9. Click Export at the bottom of the window. 
    click export.png
  10. Open the file from your downloads. If you only needed the file for your records or as a roster, no further action is needed. If you are editing the file in order to update accounts within the program, continue to the next step.
  11. Make your desired edits, keeping in mind the following guidelines:
    • Do not edit the Database ID. This is an internal identifier that was automatically assigned when the entity was created. It is what the program uses to match the previous version of the account with the updated version.
    • If you have multiple data points in one cell, separate the values with semicolons. 
    • Refer to Downloading and filling out your import templates for more detail about each field in each entity type. 
  12. Save your changes, then upload the files. Your edits will be instantly begin to process.