Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura end-of-life recommendations


After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to retire Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura effective September 1, 2024. The Help Center documentation for these products will also be removed.

Review the FAQs below for more information. If you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to your Imagine Learning Account Executive (AE).


Why is the product being retired?
The decision to retire Imagine Reading and Imagine Lectura was made after thorough evaluation and market analysis. As technology continues to evolve, we have determined that focusing our resources and efforts on our other product offerings will enable us to deliver even greater value and innovation to our customers.
What products should our students use instead of Imagine Reading/Imagine Lectura?

Imagine Reading

Although Imagine Reading does not have a universal suggested replacement at this time, in some instances Imagine Language & Literacy may be a good fit.

Transitioning to Imagine Language & Literacy provides:

Imagine Lectura

Imagine Lectura students can switch to Imagine Español. With Imagine Español for Grades K–5 you will gain:

  • Adaptive and personalized learning
  • Authentic Spanish pedagogy
  • Cultural competency and authentic texts
  • Instruction embedded in context; instruction and practice in all 4 language domains 
  • Benchmark and growth reporting (new for BTS 2024)

In addition, Imagine Español is rated ESSA Tier 3, which provides powerful third-party validation that using Imagine Español improves student achievement.

What happens to student data?
Data for these products has historically not been retained from year to year. However, you can reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to request a custom report of the 2023-2024 school year's data.