Understanding student counts in Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Español

In Imagine Language & Literacy (IL&L) and Imagine Español (IE), there are several places in the dashboard of the educator portal that display student counts, yet the counts may not be the same. This is intentional, as the student count in each location serves a unique purpose


The screenshots in this article are from Imagine Language & Literacy, but the information for Imagine Español is in a similar location unless otherwise noted.

A. Students (Top right corner of dashboard)

This is the total count of active students (both assigned to groups and unassigned to groups) since the start of the school year set by your administrator. An active student is one who has at least 1 minute of activity in the program. In this example, 167 students have used Imagine Language & Literacy since August 1st.

a. school year.png


If you see a link in this section to Unassigned Active Students, click the link to start assigning the active unassigned students to groups. This is important because students do not display in most reports unless they have been assigned to a group.
unassigned active students 2.png

B. Manage Students (Product Portal)

To access Manage Students, go to the drop-down menu in the top left corner of your screen and select Product Portal
student counts.png

Click Users & Classes/Groups.
new tools only.png

If the page doesn't open on the Students tab, click on the Students tab.
students tab 3.png

Look at the top of the table where it says "Select all (number)".
select all 190.png
This is the total count of rostered students using any Imagine Learning product in the Product Portal (Imagine Español, Imagine MyPath, etc.), whether active or inactive, assigned to groups or not assigned to groups. In this example, 190 students are rostered. Since we know that 167 students have been active in IL&L this school year, we can assume that 23 students have not made their initial login. This could be because they are not assigned product access to IL&L or because they haven't started using it yet. 


  • If your number of rostered students is substantially higher than your number of active students, perform a data clean-up to delete students who won't be using any of the Imagine Learning products this year. (If your organization uses a Student Information System, or SIS, ask your administrators to stop sharing students that you aren't planning to put on the program[s].)
  • Use the Classes/Groups filter to view all students who are not assigned to groups (rather than just active unassigned students).
    no classes groups.png

C. Active Students (Last 30 Days) - Bottom right corner of dashboard

This is the total count of students who have used the program for at least 1 minute during the last 30 calendar days. It includes students assigned to groups and those who are not.
last 30 days.png

If not all students are logging in on a regular basis, this count can be lower than both the other counts defined above. In this example, only 162 students (of the 190 rostered/167 active this year) have used IL&L in the past month. Have some of your students encountered a scheduling conflict you could help resolve?

D. 4 Week Snapshot (Administrators only; bottom of dashboard): 

Because students can be in more than one group, attempting to total the students in the Active Students YTD column may not equal the number of students using the program. However, if all of your students are active AND all of your students are assigned to only one group, then totaling the Active Students (YTD) column should equal the student count in the top right corner of the dashboard

E. Growth section
(Imagine Language & Literacy Embedded Benchmark users only) 
students tested.png

School or District Level: When you look at the denominator of the Students tested fraction, it should match the number of students in the top right corner of the dashboard

Group (Class) Level: When you look at the denominator of the Students tested fraction, it should match the number of students in the group.