Using Imagine Robotify family letters to connect with home

Family letters explain what Imagine Robotify is, how students can use it at home, and how parents and caregivers can encourage and support their student's computer science development. Family letters are also available in Spanish for ELL families.

If your students log in to Imagine Robotify at the website, use the Standard version of the letter. Fill in the login section at the bottom of the letter with your students' username, password, and site code.

If your school uses a single sign-on provider such as Clever or ClassLink to log in to Imagine Robotify, use the Single Sign-On (SSO) family letters instead. These letters provide a place for you to add the school or district URL where students can log in to the SSO provider, and no site code is necessary.

Educators can fill in the login card at the bottom of the letter with their students' login information (including username, password, and site code) so students can log in easily from home.

Standard version Single Sign-On (SSO) version
English English
Spanish Spanish