Imagine Science Corner (ISC) is an English/Spanish Kindergarten through grade 5 supplemental solution that can be used as a non-adaptive enhancement/partial support to a core science solution – if one is already in use in the classroom. Imagine Science Corner supports students’ learning outcomes by offering additional digital-first opportunities for instruction, practice, technology-enhanced checks for understanding, and optional student-driven project-based learning investigations. Note: currently, ISC does not offer custom pathways aligned to core science solutions, including Twig Science.
This supplemental science solution is designed to:
- Inspire students’ curiosity that drives scientific understanding
- Support the time-crunched, generalist elementary classroom educator who is likely not an expert on teaching science
Imagine Science Corner enhances and deepens students’ understanding of grade-level science concepts by providing additional exposure to the content covered in core science curricula. It was created to expose learners to engaging science phenomena and to inspire curiosity. This program is NOT designed to 'align to' or provide comprehensive coverage of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science (TEKS), or any other states' science instruction standards. The program DOES provide additional support for the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) of the NGSS, the TEKS, and other state science standards.
Imagine Science Corner is not officially affiliated with Twig Science.